Sign extension


Kalolia Alap


I am working on the project as below:

Instruction Format Design for a modified MIPS-Lite ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) in multicycle data path.

Details: Design the instruction formats for a version of the MIPS-Lite instruction set assuming we have a 16-bit
word. The instructions that should be supported are:
* Rtype: add, sub, and, or, nor, xor, slt (7 Rtype)
* Immediate: addi, andi, ori, xori, lw, sw, lb, lbu, sb lui, beqz, bnez, slti (13 Immed)
* Jump: j, jal (2 Jump)
* Indeterminate (at this point): sll, srl, jr (3 Rtype or Immediate)

My task is how can I design:
(1) 5 to 16 bit sign extension.

(2) 5 to 17 bit sign extension.
(3) 5 to 18 bit sign extension.

Can anyone please help me?
On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 12:06:43 AM UTC-8, Kalolia Alap wrote:
My task is how can I design:
(1) 5 to 16 bit sign extension.

(2) 5 to 17 bit sign extension.
(3) 5 to 18 bit sign extension.

Can anyone please help me?

Come on now! Why expect people to help you here if you obviously haven't taken 30 seconds to look into this yourself? The answer is really simple and I verified how easy it was to find by doing a web search and getting the answer in less than one minute!


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