Side does matter...


Fred Bloggs

Why it\'s better for sequential vaccinations to be given in the same arm...article could be a preview of April Fool\'s material.

\"What\'s interesting is that the antibodies in the ipsilaterally vaccinated subjects were better at binding to the viral spike protein,\" explains Sester. So the antibodies in those persons who were vaccinated in the same arm were better at doing their job than the antibodies in the contralateral subjects, who were given injections in both arms.

The most striking result was that two weeks after the booster shot the number of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, often referred to as \'killer T cells,\' was significantly higher in those individuals who had been injected in the same arm. \"In the ipsilateral subjects, we were able to detect the killer T cells in 67 percent of cases. In contrast, we detected CD8+ T cells in only 43 percent of the contralaterally vaccinated subjects,\"

Doesn\'t seem like a huge difference, but it could be a matter of life and death for some people.

Results so far are specific to BioNTech and the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine.

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