Shure cartridge model R47XT replacement stylus



I need to replace this stylus, (it is marked Shure 5X), and none of my
distributors are able to get it. Does anyone have a good wholesale
source for these?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
The R47X is a Radio Shack cartridge manufactured
by Shure, actually a Shure M-75EJ
..... and the 5X Stylus is really a Shure N75EJ
with a .4 x .7 mil elliptical tip.
You can easily order the stylus from Radio Shack
on-line, order #970-1172 or order a Shure original from your suppliers.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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"Lenny" <> wrote in message
I need to replace this stylus, (it is marked Shure 5X), and none of my
distributors are able to get it. Does anyone have a good wholesale
source for these?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
Thanks very much for the info Dan. Lenny Stein.
"Sofie" <> wrote in message news:<>...
The R47X is a Radio Shack cartridge manufactured
by Shure, actually a Shure M-75EJ
.... and the 5X Stylus is really a Shure N75EJ
with a .4 x .7 mil elliptical tip.
You can easily order the stylus from Radio Shack
on-line, order #970-1172 or order a Shure original from your suppliers.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair
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"Lenny" <> wrote in message
I need to replace this stylus, (it is marked Shure 5X), and none of my
distributors are able to get it. Does anyone have a good wholesale
source for these?
Thanks, Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.

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