"Show Me the _Times_ Article That's A Square Wave. I Dare Y


Bret Cahill

.. . . . all our articles are sine waves."

-- Shultzberger X (knowing full well the macro effect of partial truths)

On Sun, 7 Apr 2019 13:39:03 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill
<bretcahill@aol.com> wrote:

. . . . all our articles are sine waves."

-- Shultzberger X (knowing full well the macro effect of partial truths)


Nice Gibbs Ears.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

lunatic fringe electronics
. . . . all our articles are sine waves."

-- Shultzberger X (knowing full well the macro effect of partial truths)


Nice Gibbs Ears.

Easily clipped off at the _NY Times_ simmply by claiming they is "fair & balanced."

"We is pluralistic. We place the absurd _on an equal basis_ as the rational.

-- Shultzberger X
. . . . all our articles are sine waves."

-- Shultzberger X (knowing full well the macro effect of partial truths)


The truf is sef ebident: A 300 or 2,000 word arricle will neber eber be able to tell the whole truth.

But it is just as true there should not be any false signals coming from a lot of true articles, most only tangentially related with minor overlap.

Yet most of the readership of the _Times_ acts like an op amp and somehow filtered this from decades of _Times_ articles tweaked like an FFT:

"Religious fundamentalism a la Jerry Falwell came over on the Mayflower."

Pilgrims may have been imperfect in many many ways but they played the biggest role in establishing the First Freedom.

This historical fact is beyond debate in American political history.

Bret Cahill

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