Pooh Bear
I'm designing a forward converter. Probably be full bridge as opposed to
half - at the several kilowatt power level - probably @ 100kHz or maybe
a bit more.
Plan to use dedicated gate drivers btw.
For the controller, the SG3525 seem to be a popular choice. Multi
sourced and a classic workhorse. Used in some current products I've
looked at ( in the pro-audio market ).
It's been around a while though. Just wondering if I'm missing an
alternative that is superior in some ways.
I'm designing a forward converter. Probably be full bridge as opposed to
half - at the several kilowatt power level - probably @ 100kHz or maybe
a bit more.
Plan to use dedicated gate drivers btw.
For the controller, the SG3525 seem to be a popular choice. Multi
sourced and a classic workhorse. Used in some current products I've
looked at ( in the pro-audio market ).
It's been around a while though. Just wondering if I'm missing an
alternative that is superior in some ways.