Hi all,
I have a working design using a PIC 16F84A interfacing to a PC serial port.
At the moment I'm just using a few resistors in the circuit and it's working
fine. I plan at some stage in the future to sell this product so my
questions are:
1. Should include a MAX232 in my design now for reliability or any other
reasons ?
2. What are the ramifications of not doing so ?
3. Am I stressing the micro with the current circuit I'm using ?
I plan on supporting the product so I want to make sure I'm not shooting
myself in the foot by not adding in the components now is, I guess where
I'm coming from with these questions:
I have a working design using a PIC 16F84A interfacing to a PC serial port.
At the moment I'm just using a few resistors in the circuit and it's working
fine. I plan at some stage in the future to sell this product so my
questions are:
1. Should include a MAX232 in my design now for reliability or any other
reasons ?
2. What are the ramifications of not doing so ?
3. Am I stressing the micro with the current circuit I'm using ?
I plan on supporting the product so I want to make sure I'm not shooting
myself in the foot by not adding in the components now is, I guess where
I'm coming from with these questions: