Should I buy breadboard with power supply?



Should I buy a breadboard with a 5 volt regulated power supply or get
a regular breadboard without one?

Thank you.
Rich Webb <> wrote in message news:<>...
On 8 Oct 2004 17:06:51 -0700, (jm) wrote:

Should I buy a breadboard with a 5 volt regulated power supply or get
a regular breadboard without one?

As a general rule, the breadboard + power supply kits don't save you
that much and are a lot less flexible than separates. In addition, you
may want something other than +5 if you ever use op amps or lower
voltage stuff. Something like this would do you for
a while. It's not Lambda Power but still...

It would help, though, if you could mention some specifics about what
equipment you have in mind.

"stuff" (cause I don't know) with Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.
jm wrote:
Should I buy a breadboard with a 5 volt regulated power supply or get
a regular breadboard without one?
I'd get one without (it's more flexible) and use some of the money saved
to buy a few 7805's. Personally, I mostly use a 9v battery with a 7805
and capacitor soldered directly to the battery clip - effectively a
regulated 5v battery :)

Thank you.
BarryNL <> wrote in message news:<416e31df$0$34762$>...
jm wrote:
Should I buy a breadboard with a 5 volt regulated power supply or get
a regular breadboard without one?

I'd get one without (it's more flexible) and use some of the money saved
to buy a few 7805's. Personally, I mostly use a 9v battery with a 7805
and capacitor soldered directly to the battery clip - effectively a
regulated 5v battery :)

Thank you.
So I don't have to have one plugged into the wall?

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