bruce varley
Way back I occasionally tuned my receiver outside the ham bands and scanned
the shortwave broadcast bands. They were a perpetual cacophony of AM
transmitting propaganda, lots of it seeming to come from Asia,
radioteletype, strange continuous signals that sounded like motorised
woodsaws (common opinion was that they were jammers, I never got an
official explanation), a small amount of sideband transmission, and in
latter years the 'woodpeckers' or OTH radars. What's the situation nowadays
relative to then? How has the usage of and demand for HF changed? What's the
future for it look like? Any officionados out there care to comment?
the shortwave broadcast bands. They were a perpetual cacophony of AM
transmitting propaganda, lots of it seeming to come from Asia,
radioteletype, strange continuous signals that sounded like motorised
woodsaws (common opinion was that they were jammers, I never got an
official explanation), a small amount of sideband transmission, and in
latter years the 'woodpeckers' or OTH radars. What's the situation nowadays
relative to then? How has the usage of and demand for HF changed? What's the
future for it look like? Any officionados out there care to comment?