I managed to short my backlight inverter the other day Most annoyed, and
serves me right for fiddling half-heartedly, but its lucky the laptop is
cheap. I can buy a new inverter board for it but its more expensive than a
new ebay cheap laptop so i was wondering whats the most likely to die first
when a one leg of the high voltage side decided to detach itself and short
(with nice purple sparks!) against the other? I can still read the screen
with a torch behind it but thats not really practical
All i can see upstream of the coil is a surface mount object with nothing
but C4 written next to it. Nothing looks cooked and nothing released magic
Any pointers?
serves me right for fiddling half-heartedly, but its lucky the laptop is
cheap. I can buy a new inverter board for it but its more expensive than a
new ebay cheap laptop so i was wondering whats the most likely to die first
when a one leg of the high voltage side decided to detach itself and short
(with nice purple sparks!) against the other? I can still read the screen
with a torch behind it but thats not really practical
All i can see upstream of the coil is a surface mount object with nothing
but C4 written next to it. Nothing looks cooked and nothing released magic
Any pointers?