Hello there.
I have a problem and I need some good advice.
I have a 15 in. SHARP TV , the other day my daughter pulled the power cord
and the TV fell on the floor. The cable cord puller the antenna connector
and ......now it looks like it didn't have an antenna a all. I tried to glue
the piece back , but the image is bad. P.S. I know that's the only problem
because if I connect the tv to the VCR through RCA connectors, the picture
is great.
Any inexpensive suggestions to fix the TV? Thank you in advance.
take care.
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Version: 6.0.536 / Virus Database: 331 - Release Date: 11/3/2003
I have a problem and I need some good advice.
I have a 15 in. SHARP TV , the other day my daughter pulled the power cord
and the TV fell on the floor. The cable cord puller the antenna connector
and ......now it looks like it didn't have an antenna a all. I tried to glue
the piece back , but the image is bad. P.S. I know that's the only problem
because if I connect the tv to the VCR through RCA connectors, the picture
is great.
Any inexpensive suggestions to fix the TV? Thank you in advance.
take care.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.536 / Virus Database: 331 - Release Date: 11/3/2003