Sharp LC-15SH7U Service Manual



Does anyone know where I can find the service manual (if it exists)
for the Sharp LC-15SH7U?

When you hit power, the red light comes on for a few seconds and the
unit shuts off. I probed a few labeled power supplies, and it appears
they come on when the button is pressed but are low. The unit failed
during a power outage. The replacement main board is about 200 bucks,
which isn't worth it for a tv like this.

I don't mind paying for the manual, I just can't find it.

"Steve" <s@s.c> wrote in message
Does anyone know where I can find the service manual (if it exists)
for the Sharp LC-15SH7U?

When you hit power, the red light comes on for a few seconds and the
unit shuts off. I probed a few labeled power supplies, and it appears
they come on when the button is pressed but are low. The unit failed
during a power outage. The replacement main board is about 200 bucks,
which isn't worth it for a tv like this.

I don't mind paying for the manual, I just can't find it.

LCD TV psu's are covered in protection circuits. They will shut down if you
as much as look at them wrong. The first move with one that shuts down after
a few seconds, is to unplug the backlight inverter from the 24v output, as
it is common for these inverters to fail and load up the supply. If it then
stays on, you have a backlight problem. Another favourite is the audio
output IC, usually also hanging on the 24v rail. Also, look very carefully
at all of the electrolytics on the board, particularly any that are close to
any heatsink, or other hot-running components. Checking them with an ESR
meter is the way to go, but you will often find that the tops of any bad
ones, have started to 'dome'.

Beyond this, it tends to get complicated, and if the problem really is on
the supply itself, a schematic, and a lot of experience with LCD power
supplies, is pretty much essential to standing any chance of getting a fix.
Good luck with it.


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