Russell Griffiths
SHARP CX51K4 (chassis UA-1).
Can someone please tell me where to find JA122 and JA124 that need to be
shorted to enter the service mode, or what the JWS key is, that is
mentioned in the service manual.
The sharp randomly turns itself off, the LED might
flash red/remain green/turn red/or go out completely.
And the pic. is too big vertically.
I thought the TDA9381PS (IX3368CE on schematic) was
heat sensitive and replaced it.
However, the tv would not even turn on an L.E.D. with the new chip,
I could only hear the p/s ticking quietly.
I put the original TDA9381PS back in and replaced the EEPROM.
The set now looks like it might stay on, but the pic. does not reach
the bottom of the screen. And on a couple of channels there are fine
lines across the screen.
Thanks in advance,
Russell Griffiths.
Can someone please tell me where to find JA122 and JA124 that need to be
shorted to enter the service mode, or what the JWS key is, that is
mentioned in the service manual.
The sharp randomly turns itself off, the LED might
flash red/remain green/turn red/or go out completely.
And the pic. is too big vertically.
I thought the TDA9381PS (IX3368CE on schematic) was
heat sensitive and replaced it.
However, the tv would not even turn on an L.E.D. with the new chip,
I could only hear the p/s ticking quietly.
I put the original TDA9381PS back in and replaced the EEPROM.
The set now looks like it might stay on, but the pic. does not reach
the bottom of the screen. And on a couple of channels there are fine
lines across the screen.
Thanks in advance,
Russell Griffiths.