Tim Wescott
I will be presenting two topics at the 2005 Embedded Systems Conference
San Francisco next March -- see http://www.esconline.com/sf/ for show
"Basic Control Theory for the Software Engineer" is as much information
on the z-transform as I can fit into 90 minutes. It gives a
high-altitude overview of designing software control loops in a
systematic manner.
"PID Without a PhD" is a primer on developing PID controllers in
software, tuning them without using higher math, and avoiding some of
the common pitfalls for this popular controller form.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
San Francisco next March -- see http://www.esconline.com/sf/ for show
"Basic Control Theory for the Software Engineer" is as much information
on the z-transform as I can fit into 90 minutes. It gives a
high-altitude overview of designing software control loops in a
systematic manner.
"PID Without a PhD" is a primer on developing PID controllers in
software, tuning them without using higher math, and avoiding some of
the common pitfalls for this popular controller form.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services