Pooh Bear
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the previous thread concerning my
mismatched timing periods with this PWM smps chip.
The culprit was indeed the shutdown pin.
I see now what happened.
I followed the guide to use of the shutdown pin in the 'lab test
fixture' diagram. The *only* diagram in fact that shows it's use.
That shows shutdown activated by connecting the shutdown input to Vref
via a 2k resistor. To *enable* normal operation the pin is open ( indeed
it's connected to the 2k resistor which is now floating ) - which the
text says contradictorily earlier that you shouldn't do !
Some bright person spotted that a recent copy of a TI data sheet
correctly shows the shutdown input tied to Vref by a resistor ( 5K for
some reason in this case ) and the chip enabled by *shorting shutdown to
ground* !
I perused many data sheets including TI, STM, Motorola, On-semi's
version of same and *all* make the same mistake of showing pin 10
floating in active mode. Only a recent data sheet for TI's 3525A gets it
right - even the data from TI for the 3525B enhanced version gets it
wrong again *and* an earlier rev of TI's 3525A also shows the wrong
method !
Can you believe that ?
Just to make things more interesting the internal block diagram of the
3525 in 'lab test fixture' mode is different to the one given earlier in
the data sheet and gives an erroneous impression of how shutdown is
internally connected and how it functions - see the connection to the
PWM latch. This error is replicated in *all* the data sheets I've seen
including the one with the correct pin connection !
Phew !
Thanks to all for sorting that one for me.
Shorting shutdown to ground to enable operation avoids the noise pickup
of course.
Cheers, Graham
mismatched timing periods with this PWM smps chip.
The culprit was indeed the shutdown pin.
I see now what happened.
I followed the guide to use of the shutdown pin in the 'lab test
fixture' diagram. The *only* diagram in fact that shows it's use.
That shows shutdown activated by connecting the shutdown input to Vref
via a 2k resistor. To *enable* normal operation the pin is open ( indeed
it's connected to the 2k resistor which is now floating ) - which the
text says contradictorily earlier that you shouldn't do !
Some bright person spotted that a recent copy of a TI data sheet
correctly shows the shutdown input tied to Vref by a resistor ( 5K for
some reason in this case ) and the chip enabled by *shorting shutdown to
ground* !
I perused many data sheets including TI, STM, Motorola, On-semi's
version of same and *all* make the same mistake of showing pin 10
floating in active mode. Only a recent data sheet for TI's 3525A gets it
right - even the data from TI for the 3525B enhanced version gets it
wrong again *and* an earlier rev of TI's 3525A also shows the wrong
method !
Can you believe that ?
Just to make things more interesting the internal block diagram of the
3525 in 'lab test fixture' mode is different to the one given earlier in
the data sheet and gives an erroneous impression of how shutdown is
internally connected and how it functions - see the connection to the
PWM latch. This error is replicated in *all* the data sheets I've seen
including the one with the correct pin connection !
Phew !
Thanks to all for sorting that one for me.
Shorting shutdown to ground to enable operation avoids the noise pickup
of course.
Cheers, Graham