I have open the results of my simulation by:
dir = "/home/simulationResult/psf"
openResults(dir) command
then plot the data of a specific node
Then the waveform displayed.
Then invoked the Results Browser through "Tools Menu".
But I have noticed that the psf directory that I've opened was
different to the directory that was indicated at the "Location" of
Results Browser.
Is there a way to set the Location of Results Browser by script?
I've tried the command:
dir = "/home/simulationResult/psf"
envSetVal("wavescan.browser" "dataDirHome " 'string dir)
but it didn't work.
Can anyone help me about this matter?
dir = "/home/simulationResult/psf"
openResults(dir) command
then plot the data of a specific node
Then the waveform displayed.
Then invoked the Results Browser through "Tools Menu".
But I have noticed that the psf directory that I've opened was
different to the directory that was indicated at the "Location" of
Results Browser.
Is there a way to set the Location of Results Browser by script?
I've tried the command:
dir = "/home/simulationResult/psf"
envSetVal("wavescan.browser" "dataDirHome " 'string dir)
but it didn't work.
Can anyone help me about this matter?