"Servo" magazine query



Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine (http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?
Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

** Ever considered doing something useful with your life ??

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

** Ever considered doing something useful with your life ??

......... Phil
Have you? Looking at your replies you seem to hit the reply button usually
first and within a few minutes of an OP.

What a boring life YOU have.

"Phil Allison"

Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

** Ever considered doing something useful with your life ??

Have you?

** What I do for a living and a " hobby " are very useful.

Looking at your replies you seem to hit the reply button usually first and
within a few minutes of an OP.

** Proves what ?

I know how to scana NGs for recent posts only with OE ???

Try using " Mark all Read" & "Catch Up " in the Edit list.

What a boring life YOU have.

** Pissing on arrogant fuckwits in public is very far from boring when you
are a fully identified poster.

Try and you will soon see.

Beats making robot toy soldiers - hands down.

.......... Phil
Phil gets this way when it's a full moon.
He sees his job as chasing away anyone who
needs information or advice. Your best bet
is to ignore the nutcase completely as he's
not taking his medication lately.
** What I do for a living and a " hobby " are very useful.
Grabing your old fella and giving it a wank may seem useful to you, but to
the rest of us it isnt
"Mark Harriss" = the biggest ADHD fucked, autistic cretin in Cairns.

Harriss is so fucking dumb he is convinced that dog shit and chocolate are

Fact, he eats dog shit in preference 'cos it is cheaper.

The maggot is one totally gutless, completely anonymous pile of criminal

Another slimy reptile from putrid, stinking Far North Queensland - where
else !!

......... Phil
dmm <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in

Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ? What is it like? How
substantive are the articles?
Have you checked with a newsagent to see of you can get it? You would be
suprised of what they can get but don't. You may be able to just get one
issue so you can see what is in it.


Andy S
AusElectronics Forum
"dmm" <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?
Pretty good usually
Also nuts and volts (same publisher)
also has some robotics articles.

I prefer Circuitcellar , as its more alone the lines
of what I do (embedded systems)
Also their contests are great , chance to get free hardware.
Plus uni lecturers/staff can request free subscriptions for
themselves and their students.

I get all three, CC , Nuts and Volts and servo.

Circuitcellar produces an electronic edition.

Servo and its sister mag nuts and volts I think
have just started an electronic edition.
Both are US$19.95 for a years online sub where as CC is US$15

The electronic editions are a good cheap way
to see what the magazines are like, with out having to wait for airmail etc

http://www.circuitcellar.net/sample/Sample.zip sample edition
Alex Gibson wrote:

Servo and its sister mag nuts and volts I think
have just started an electronic edition.
Both are US$19.95 for a years online sub where as CC is US$15

The electronic editions are a good cheap way
to see what the magazines are like, with out having to wait for airmail etc
I agree Alex,
Pity Silicon Chip electronic edition wasn't a lot cheaper.

Because I had a collection of magazines that was 50+ years old, I had to
give them all away, and now I only keep the last 12 months.

But many times I wish I had a copy of something only a year or two back,
and I can't find it, as I don't have it anymore.

But now with CC in pdf, it makes their projects easy to store and find
again in a hurry. Knock out stuff.

(Welcome to the 21st century)


Don McKenzie
E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.e-dotcom.com/ecp.php?un=Dontronics

Micro,TTL,USB to 1.5" color LCD http://www.dontronics.com/micro-lcd.html
USB,RS232 or TTL to VGA Monitor http://www.dontronics.com/micro-vga.html
World's smallest USB 2 TTL Conv http://www.dontronics.com/micro-usb.html
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 02:08:26 GMT, Andy S <phl2005@hottiemail.com> wrote:

dmm <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in

Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ? What is it like? How
substantive are the articles?

Have you checked with a newsagent to see of you can get it? You would be
suprised of what they can get but don't. You may be able to just get one
issue so you can see what is in it.


Andy S
AusElectronics Forum
Most newsagents don't get speciality mags like Servo. The agent
I used to get Circuit Cellar from a year ago has discontinued that mag
so I get it elsewhere now, but I'm considering resubscribing to CC.
I'll check McGill's tomorrow to see if they carry Servo, and Make.
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 13:15:41 +1000, "Alex Gibson" <news@alxx.net> wrote:

"dmm" <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

Pretty good usually
Also nuts and volts (same publisher)
also has some robotics articles.

I prefer Circuitcellar , as its more alone the lines
of what I do (embedded systems)
Also their contests are great , chance to get free hardware.
Plus uni lecturers/staff can request free subscriptions for
themselves and their students.

I get all three, CC , Nuts and Volts and servo.

Circuitcellar produces an electronic edition.

Servo and its sister mag nuts and volts I think
have just started an electronic edition.
Both are US$19.95 for a years online sub where as CC is US$15

The electronic editions are a good cheap way
to see what the magazines are like, with out having to wait for airmail etc

http://www.circuitcellar.net/sample/Sample.zip sample edition
Thanks for that Alex. I think I'll order a couple of issues of Servo,
and see how it goes. I already get CC regularly, and I find that the
Make website with it's links an interesting mix.
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Phil Allison"

Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

** Ever considered doing something useful with your life ??

Have you?

** What I do for a living and a " hobby " are very useful.

Looking at your replies you seem to hit the reply button usually first
and within a few minutes of an OP.

** Proves what ?

I know how to scana NGs for recent posts only with OE ???

Try using " Mark all Read" & "Catch Up " in the Edit list.

What a boring life YOU have.

** Pissing on arrogant fuckwits in public is very far from boring when
you are a fully identified poster.

Try and you will soon see.

Beats making robot toy soldiers - hands down.

......... Phil
Follows just some of the BBS's you visit with your VERY BORING life.


The last should come as no surprise. Reading the inputs on these forums
makes you out to be a total loser. What's your problem? Hitting 50 with no
assets? Angry are we?

Do everyone a favour and hand yourself in.


** Pete is not very bright.

Fact he is as just as dim as he sim.


The last should come as no surprise.

** It does as a matter of fact - since I have never posted thee.

........... Phil
Alex Gibson wrote:
"dmm" <dmmilne_REMOVE_@ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
Does anyone in this ng subscribe to "Servo" magazine
(http://www.servomagazine.com/index.php) ?
What is it like? How substantive are the articles?

Pretty good usually
Also nuts and volts (same publisher)
also has some robotics articles.

I prefer Circuitcellar , as its more alone the lines
of what I do (embedded systems)
Also their contests are great , chance to get free hardware.
Plus uni lecturers/staff can request free subscriptions for
themselves and their students.

I get all three, CC , Nuts and Volts and servo.

Circuitcellar produces an electronic edition.

Servo and its sister mag nuts and volts I think
have just started an electronic edition.
Both are US$19.95 for a years online sub where as CC is US$15
My last CC subscription was $US5!

The electronic editions are a good cheap way
to see what the magazines are like, with out having to wait for airmail etc
The electronic editions are definitely THE way to go. I wish SC would
have a decent priced electronic edition.

Dave :)
My last CC subscription was $US5!
5 bucks!

is that the normal renewal price now Dave?

Geez, it cost me that when I got my first printed copy, issue number 4

The electronic editions are definitely THE way to go. I wish SC would
have a decent priced electronic edition.
say no more, say no more!


Don McKenzie
E-Mail Contact Page: http://www.e-dotcom.com/ecp.php?un=Dontronics

Micro,TTL,USB to 1.5" color LCD http://www.dontronics.com/micro-lcd.html
USB,RS232 or TTL to VGA Monitor http://www.dontronics.com/micro-vga.html
World's smallest USB 2 TTL Conv http://www.dontronics.com/micro-usb.html
Andy S wrote:
Andy S
AusElectronics Forum
Hi Andy,
I see you are trying to start up a new Aus Electronics forum.
My Aus-Electronics Yahoo group has been around for over 4 years now
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aus-electronics/), so not sure if we
need another forum, but I am fond of the phpBB boards...
The address might be the killer though, kinda hard to remember
Now www.auselectronics.com would be nice, but oops, already taken!
How about www.ozelectronics.com?, oops, already taken too!

I see you do Geocaching and are into EcoLiving too. Canyoning as well
by any chance?

Dave :)
Don McKenzie wrote:
My last CC subscription was $US5!

5 bucks!

is that the normal renewal price now Dave?
Not sure, but I don't think so. It was some discount "coupon" price I
got for some reason (probably for being a contributor), had to enter
the coupon code when renewing.
I think I got another one with one of the recent contest kits too.

Geez, it cost me that when I got my first printed copy, issue number 4

The electronic editions are definitely THE way to go. I wish SC would
have a decent priced electronic edition.

say no more, say no more!
*muffled gaging sound*

Dave :)
"David L. Jones" <altzone@gmail.com> wrote in message
Don McKenzie wrote:
My last CC subscription was $US5!

5 bucks!

is that the normal renewal price now Dave?

Not sure, but I don't think so. It was some discount "coupon" price I
got for some reason (probably for being a contributor), had to enter
the coupon code when renewing.
I think I got another one with one of the recent contest kits too.
I renewed last time for US$5 courtesy of Atmel.
At the time if you signed up to recieve their applications journal
you could get CC electronic edition for $5.

Geez, it cost me that when I got my first printed copy, issue number 4

The electronic editions are definitely THE way to go. I wish SC would
have a decent priced electronic edition.

say no more, say no more!

*muffled gaging sound*

Dave :)
Uni lecturers and Engineering societies can get free
subscriptions for their students as part of the
Circuit Cellar college program.


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