ahmed electronic
servo technology.co
First- Supply of all spare parts for electronic
(I.C - Resistors DIOD-Capacitor- IGBT-Network Resistors)
Is a pioneer in the field of electronic services, but because of the
specialized engineering skills in this area?
And to our modern laboratories cope with the latest technology in the
field of electronic maintenance.
second: maintenance.
- Maintenance of electronic boards for all types of industrial
machinery&All kinds of electronic boards
- Maintenance of all types of speed changers
- Maintenance of an electronic boards for all types medical devices
E- mail : servo.company20@gmail.com
URL :http://electronicservo.com
First- Supply of all spare parts for electronic
(I.C - Resistors DIOD-Capacitor- IGBT-Network Resistors)
Is a pioneer in the field of electronic services, but because of the
specialized engineering skills in this area?
And to our modern laboratories cope with the latest technology in the
field of electronic maintenance.
second: maintenance.
- Maintenance of electronic boards for all types of industrial
machinery&All kinds of electronic boards
- Maintenance of all types of speed changers
- Maintenance of an electronic boards for all types medical devices
E- mail : servo.company20@gmail.com
URL :http://electronicservo.com