Serial flow control between Basic Stamp and PC


Julia Goolia

Has anyone ever had any luck in getting control flow to work on a
basic stamp? The Basic Stamp supports RTS/CTS, but I'm not sure how
to use it. I'm interfacing the serial on my PC via a python library
called pySerial.

This is what I have on my Basic Stamp. I'm using NON-INVERTED
(whatever that means):

SERIN 16\0, etc...

So basically I'm assuming that means 16 is used as the input and 0 is
used as the flow control pin... however, this means its putting out
the flow control signals over the pins that are plugged into my
breadboard and not into the serial cable!! Moreover, I probe the
serial pins using the pySerial library and there no change to the pins
before and after the call to SERIN.

I know that in the Basic Stamp documentation it says:

"All basic stamps has a line receiver on its SIN pin (Rpin = 16)."
p.277 of

OK so if I put 16 as Rpin for the SERIN command I can reference one of
the pins from the serial port (as above), but what about the other
pins, namely the ones that do flow control?! It seems there is no

So then I tried SERIN 16\16, using the same pin for the flow control,
but this doesn't really make sense and doesn't seem to work either.

Please, has anyone successfully used flow control with their basic
stamp? How did you do it?

thanks! juliabean
You should join yahoo and post to the basic stamps group there. A very good
group supported by Parallax techs!

There's a link off of parallax's website too!

"Julia Goolia" <> wrote in message
Has anyone ever had any luck in getting control flow to work on a
basic stamp? The Basic Stamp supports RTS/CTS, but I'm not sure how
to use it. I'm interfacing the serial on my PC via a python library
called pySerial.

This is what I have on my Basic Stamp. I'm using NON-INVERTED
(whatever that means):

SERIN 16\0, etc...

So basically I'm assuming that means 16 is used as the input and 0 is
used as the flow control pin... however, this means its putting out
the flow control signals over the pins that are plugged into my
breadboard and not into the serial cable!! Moreover, I probe the
serial pins using the pySerial library and there no change to the pins
before and after the call to SERIN.

I know that in the Basic Stamp documentation it says:

"All basic stamps has a line receiver on its SIN pin (Rpin = 16)."
p.277 of

OK so if I put 16 as Rpin for the SERIN command I can reference one of
the pins from the serial port (as above), but what about the other
pins, namely the ones that do flow control?! It seems there is no

So then I tried SERIN 16\16, using the same pin for the flow control,
but this doesn't really make sense and doesn't seem to work either.

Please, has anyone successfully used flow control with their basic
stamp? How did you do it?

thanks! juliabean

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