Sega Genesis RF Switch Repair


Jason D.

I've got a Sega Genesis II here, and the RF switch was damaged at the end
that plugs into the TV. I had to cut back the wire and try to reattach the
coax connector. Problem is that the copper strands in the middle of the
wire are so fine that they just bend when I try to screw it in to the TV.
It seemed that before it was damaged, it was actually a thicker copper wire,
and it was stiff and didn't bend when I tried to connect. Short of giving
it a viagara pill, what can I do to stiffen up these wire filaments? I
tried dropping a bead of solder on the end and spreading that over the
filaments, but I just end up with gob of solder on the wire ends.

You need a proper new connector, that has the pin in it, rather than the
standard type for CATV. I would not have the part number off hand, but that
I am sure is the answer. I myself have seen this connector type, but a long
time ago.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Jason D." <> wrote in message
I've got a Sega Genesis II here, and the RF switch was damaged at the end
that plugs into the TV. I had to cut back the wire and try to reattach the
coax connector. Problem is that the copper strands in the middle of the
wire are so fine that they just bend when I try to screw it in to the TV.
It seemed that before it was damaged, it was actually a thicker copper wire,
and it was stiff and didn't bend when I tried to connect. Short of giving
it a viagara pill, what can I do to stiffen up these wire filaments? I
tried dropping a bead of solder on the end and spreading that over the
filaments, but I just end up with gob of solder on the wire ends.


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