Sears Micro/convetion Oven stopping, HELP HELP HELP



Hi all,

I have an acient Sears Micro-COnvection Oven. It is wonderful, I repaired it
twice, over the past 20 years or so. Worth every penny to do so. Stainless
Steel cavity, and large enough for 6-7 pound Perdue Oven Stuffer Roasting
Chicken,(no unit made does that, or I would consider new one). Perfectly crispy
skin, cooked to perfection.

here the skinny

the unit will just stop in micromode. Not turn off , not reset, just stop, hit
start ans she goes. It is intermittent, it is more apparent now. I won't use it
on microconvect at this point because if I am not in same room I would not know
it is off.BUT I don't know if the problem will happen in microconvect mode.

This is one of the few items I have bought over the years that performed to
perfection every time I used it,(except when it was repaired). It wasn't til I
took a course on VCR repair I realised how easy the 1st repair was. But the
labour on it was 25 bucks, and they cleaned it, and generally tuned it up. No
beefing on the price then at all.

Model Number 564 86985 10 manufactured 1984, I bought it 1985

Now however, sears isn't so easy to get to , or get stuff fixed by them. AND
they may not even have parts anymore.

any help appreciated,

also I need help on my Hitachi 19B5 TV which keeps flick back to channel 2 no
matter where you are. It is also old and if repairable will go in bedroom.

For free plans and info on solar oven's water and purifiers, that actually
work, see<>
Sufficiently advance technology is indistinguishable from magic..

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