SDRAM AutoPrecharge and Refresh



As a newbie I'm working on an SDR SDRAM controller in VHDL and looking a
datasheet of the chip I read how to set CAS latency to 2.
I'm just using only simple READA/WRITA (with autoprecharge) command
avoiding refresh/autorefresh ones.

My answer is simple,

Does "AutoPrecharged" commands (READA/WRITA) issue dram refresh als
avoiding me to performs ALSO the refresh command?

I've looked at OneChip MSX SDRAM controller and refresh command is use
only during initialization ...

Thanks in advance for any help!


Posted through
You need to send refresh commands at the period it gives in the data sheet
It will be something like every 7.8 us.


Posted through
On Jul 29, 7:05 am, "siriokds" <> wrote:
As a newbie I'm working on an SDR SDRAM controller in VHDL and looking at
datasheet of the chip I read how to set CAS latency to 2.
I'm just using only simple READA/WRITA (with autoprecharge) commands
avoiding refresh/autorefresh ones.

My answer is simple,

Does "AutoPrecharged" commands (READA/WRITA) issue dram refresh also
avoiding me to performs ALSO the refresh command?

I've looked at OneChip MSX SDRAM controller and refresh command is used
only during initialization ...

Thanks in advance for any help!


Posted through
Precharge and refresh are two different things. You can think of a
row of memory
haveing two operating states, Active, and Precharged. Issuing a row
command places the row in the active state. Issuing a precharge
comand or
using a read or write with autoprecharge places the row in the
precharged state.

The row must be active to perform read or write.

All rows must be precharged before issuing auto-refresh commands.

For SDR SDRAM you don't necessarily have to issue refresh at a
rate because it doesn't have a DLL like the DDR parts. However you
meet the refresh rule that all rows are refreshed within the refresh
specified, usually 32 ms or 64 ms. This generally works out to an
of one auto-refresh command every 15.6 us for smaller parts or every
7.8 us
for the larger ones.

Also for SDR SDRAM (but not DDR) you can effectively refresh the part
by performing row activates to all rows within the refresh period.
Note that
row activate works on one bank at a time, while auto-refresh works on
all four banks at once. So in effect it takes four times as many row
to refresh the part. However there are some applications like video
memory where this much access would occur anyway and then you can
avoid using refresh commands altogether.

If the controller you looked at doesn't perform auto-refresh cycles
initialization, it should either have a way to request a refresh cycle
once it is operational, or have some other method of making sure all
rows get refreshed (some controllers do "scrubbing" refresh consisting
of reading out data, performing error correction, and writing it

I seem to recall that Fujitsu had a good data sheet that showed a
state diagram of the SDRAM. But it's been a while since I first
looked at these parts and the whole thing has become ingrained
in my head since then.

Thank you for your fast answer.

I'm using an Altera DE1 demo board with SDRAM A3V64S40ETP from Zentel.
It's a normal 64Mbit chip with 4096 rows to be refreshed in 64ms.
4 banks x 1M x 16bit.

The VHDL SDRAM controller I'm looking at is included in OneChip MSX cor
and it's clocked at 85Mhz. It's uses board PLL to manage clock skew (3ms)

It's set in CL2, Single location access, burst length ONE and burst typ
sequential. Pratically it's only a byte READER/WRITER.

No refresh commands are present during normal operations but only durin

Every operation is manager in 8 cycles. CAS latency is set to 2 BUT dat
are read after 3 cycles!!!
2) NOP
4) NOP
5) NOP
7) (precharge?)
8) (precharge?)

Naturally single byte access is enough for the specific purpose but I wa
expecting different behavior (refresh commands and correct cycles fo

Datasheet of this SDR SDRAM part indicates expected behavior and it'
almost the same as ISSI.

Thank you in advance for any support.
I can provide you the source code to look at...


On Jul 29, 7:05=A0am, "siriokds" <> wrote:
As a newbie I'm working on an SDR SDRAM controller in VHDL and lookin
datasheet of the chip I read how to set CAS latency to 2.
I'm just using only simple READA/WRITA (with autoprecharge) commands
avoiding refresh/autorefresh ones.

My answer is simple,

Does "AutoPrecharged" commands (READA/WRITA) issue dram refresh also
avoiding me to performs ALSO the refresh command?

I've looked at OneChip MSX SDRAM controller and refresh command is used
only during initialization ...

Thanks in advance for any help!


--------------------------------------- =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0
Posted through

Precharge and refresh are two different things. You can think of a
row of memory
haveing two operating states, Active, and Precharged. Issuing a row
command places the row in the active state. Issuing a precharge
comand or
using a read or write with autoprecharge places the row in the
precharged state.

The row must be active to perform read or write.

All rows must be precharged before issuing auto-refresh commands.

For SDR SDRAM you don't necessarily have to issue refresh at a
rate because it doesn't have a DLL like the DDR parts. However you
meet the refresh rule that all rows are refreshed within the refresh
specified, usually 32 ms or 64 ms. This generally works out to an
of one auto-refresh command every 15.6 us for smaller parts or every
7.8 us
for the larger ones.

Also for SDR SDRAM (but not DDR) you can effectively refresh the part
by performing row activates to all rows within the refresh period.
Note that
row activate works on one bank at a time, while auto-refresh works on
all four banks at once. So in effect it takes four times as many row
to refresh the part. However there are some applications like video
memory where this much access would occur anyway and then you can
avoid using refresh commands altogether.

If the controller you looked at doesn't perform auto-refresh cycles
initialization, it should either have a way to request a refresh cycle
once it is operational, or have some other method of making sure all
rows get refreshed (some controllers do "scrubbing" refresh consisting
of reading out data, performing error correction, and writing it

I seem to recall that Fujitsu had a good data sheet that showed a
state diagram of the SDRAM. But it's been a while since I first
looked at these parts and the whole thing has become ingrained
in my head since then.

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