SD-P55A5-K Projection Television Problems



This unit is about 4 years old, it has been having convegence problems
from time to time.

It was like looking a 3-D picture with out the glasses, but as quick
as it would happen it would snap back into focus.

This happened mostly when the unit was cold or warming up.

Now the unit will not come on at all, it stays in standby mode.

When I hit the power button, it clicks on for a second and then goes
back into standby mode.

The power led will go from red to green and then back to red, when I
hit the power button on the unit.

I placed a service call with Sears at home service, they will be out
on the 24th to take a look.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this problem with
this unit?

Also any pointers on what to look for when the Sears guy is here, to
make sure he is being honset about the repair needed and cost.

Like I said this unit is 4 years old and had a great picture when it
went out.

I guess it is worth getting repaired, any options on this...
This can be caused by a number of things. It can be anything from such
things as cold solder connections, failing components in the convergence or
scan sections, or even a defective deflection yoke assy (if your model is a
tube type). Usually when performance changes occur after a period of time
after switching the power on, this indicates that the fault is most likely
thermo sensitive in nature. It is not possible to guess at an exact
component that can fail, since there are many that will effect the
convergence performance.

The tech will have to troubleshoot the related areas to make the
determination of which components have failed. He may have to try some parts
to test. All electronics and mechanics are serviceable. It is the question
of the labour, tooling, and the cost of the parts that determine the

Intermittent and thermo problems are usually more difficult to find, than
when the problem is permanent.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"CFox" <> wrote in message
This unit is about 4 years old, it has been having convegence problems
from time to time.

It was like looking a 3-D picture with out the glasses, but as quick
as it would happen it would snap back into focus.

This happened mostly when the unit was cold or warming up.

Now the unit will not come on at all, it stays in standby mode.

When I hit the power button, it clicks on for a second and then goes
back into standby mode.

The power led will go from red to green and then back to red, when I
hit the power button on the unit.

I placed a service call with Sears at home service, they will be out
on the 24th to take a look.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this problem with
this unit?

Also any pointers on what to look for when the Sears guy is here, to
make sure he is being honset about the repair needed and cost.

Like I said this unit is 4 years old and had a great picture when it
went out.

I guess it is worth getting repaired, any options on this...

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