Scum that make me ashamed to be an Australian

Andre Jute wrote:

Patrick Turner wrote: wrote:

Jute wrote:

"Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables."

Because, you fucking moron, negative feedback is fundamental to the
operation ALL amplifiers. Every single one. A fact you STILL refuse to

If you want to start a discourse about negative feedback, then you need
to do so with honesty and accuracy, rather than with lies, half truths
and distortions.

Trevor Wilson.

Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.

Sheesh, you gotta be really dumb to fall for that hoary old troll,
especially after I put it in my sig file to signify (LOL) that it is a

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other external
loops of NFB if you don't want to.

Torture won't make me agree! (Not in public, anyway. It would frighten
the horses!)
Well i thoughtya had already, but don't let it worry you.

Everyone needs to own their own path to discovery. Going public is simply

Unfortunately, resorting to calling Andre a "fucking moron" ((
intellectually challenged person who is copulating ))
doesn't have any good effect. ( And morons who could manage to find someone
to copulate with
deserve our praise and encouragement, and may be brighter than you

I am sure Andre uses quite a few different amplifiers and some have loop
NFB and some don't.

I've even built a few with loop feedback when I got lazy, er, I mean
when I decided to build a cutting edge amp.
Sound edgy then?

I don't bother arguing with tongue in cheek merchants who provocatively
all NFB is evil, I allow them their little mindset, and involving myself
like some obsessive and boring repetition expert in a silly little stoush
over NFB is plain idiotic.

Yeah, brother. When I was surrounded by ultrafidelista who genuinely
believed that NFB is the devil's work, and that their own amps had no
feedback, not even when they wrote glowing reports of cathode
followers, once a week I would list a new way in which NFB had
"inevitably and unavoidably" invaded their sacred amps. The flame war
never lasted less than a week. Those guys in their fanaticism *against*
NFB sounded just like Wilson in his fanaticism *for* NFB. No sense of
humour whatsoever.
Now you have them really wondrin......

Better that I leave them with their beliefs and share the world peacefully
by allowing other people than myself
to decide what's good for themselves.

Yeah, you and Sandra Bullock both. You probably didn't see the movie
Miss Congeniality. It's about this offtherightwing cop going undercover
in a beauty pageant. When the bubbleheads are asked what they wish for
most, they all say, "World peace." When the Sandra Bullock character is
asked what she will work for if elected Miss Something, she says
something like, "To have rapists compulsorily executed." Her coach
glares at her and she hurriedly adds, "And world peace, of course," to
applause by the audience.

Me, I say, Screw world peace, let's have some excitement.
There are those who look forward to the Kingdom of the Lord here on Earth.

But only after lots more screaming victims in armogeddons etc.

The world cannot be ever peaceful. We'd all nod off, and be bored witless.

It wasn't ever peaceful, and will never be peaceful.

I'm here on a temporary visa. Maybe only 70 years.

When the visa expires, please hose me off the pavement to let my atoms which may
have once been
a small part of Judas, Christ or Hitler find other humans to become.

How's the SET amp I heard you were building to earn some respect at r.a.t.

If only it were true... The minute he finished building it, I would be
first in the line around to the block to explain to this deceitful
trader that a Class A PP trioded EL34 amp with minimal NFB sounds so
much better. See, it is all about an open mind, Trev Baby -- and it
helps (a lot!) to keep your ears open too in audio.
Trev has concretitis of the frontal lobe and suffers terrible foamientus mouthium

at the sound of the phrase "single ended triode" and is a real challenge for the
Australian Pysychiatrists' asscociate jack hammers who is their expert for open
Jack, BTW, is persuasive, he does rattle on a bit, but may not be permanently
Maybe they ( psychiatrists ) need to think up something more influential than
Freud could ever have thunk up
to ensure any real peace of mind in the Trevs of this world.
For all we know, The Trevs of the world could have some hang up going deeply
back into their childhood formative years and bingo, at some late middle age year

the phrase "single ended triode" has quite odd effects on social behaviour.

Patrick Turner.

Patrick Turner.

Andre Jute
The broken record has re-started.

On 3 May 2006 06:38:08 -0700, "Ayn Marx" <>

To get away from the abuse and non-audio content, take a look at wrote:
Patrick scrawled:

"Gees Trev, you fell in like the fool you are.

Andre heartily aknowledges that there is NFB in a Triode,
and knows there is enough of it to not have to use global or other
loops of NFB if you don't want to."

**Jute pretends to educate, but leaves out huge swags of actual
information. I merely seek to correct him. Until he acknowledges his
errors, I will continue to correct him. ALL amplifiers use NFB. Every
single one, despite what Jute would have us believe.
This is silly smoke you, Trevor Wilson of Rage Audio, are trying to
blow over your deceitful and arrogant treatment of your customers, as
revealed in this post:

Andre Jute wrote:
Adding to the list of scum in audio who make me ashamed to be an
Trevor Wilson (
who brags about replacing a client's tubes with transistors without
telling the client. Indeed, Rage Audio dishonestly ensured that the
filaments would light up further to deceive the customer. Anyone who
buys any goods or services from Trevor Wilson at Rage Audio deserves
exactly what they get, which will be immorality, deceit, untruth, goods
not as described, and so on. I also wonder about the trading standards
officers who let this operation of passing off ( a legal term for
deceitfully selling dross as gold) pass them by after the criminal
perpetrator, Wilson, publicly bragged about it. I reckon this little
bastard Wilson should be in jail.
Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for trashy traders
I doubt it. There would other, far better approaches. Personally, I
would start with a Zero Global NFB SS amp. Then I would cripple it to
simulate the tube one. The LM3886 requires the use of large amounts of
Global NFB. Bad idea.

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