Scum that make me ashamed to be an Australian


Andre Jute

Andre Jute wrote to Philip Allison:

"> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of
people they are."
I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who apologized
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
(don' and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough to
wipe them. They're bullying scum.

Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
( would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.
Andre Jute wrote:
Andre Jute wrote to Philip Allison:

"> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of
people they are."

I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who apologized
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
(don' and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough to
wipe them. They're bullying scum.

Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
( would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:

Laurie Dare AKA roughplanet <>. Little
Laurie is a twee shortarse twerp (a textbook case of Duck's Disease
(1)) and a would-be commie wrecker without the balls or the brawn for
street brawling, or the charm to be a limmo lib. His only talent is for

When I lived in Melbourne, sometimes you could see Little Laurie Dare
weaseling in the back of dingy pubs down the Port, making penny
payments to the mickey mouse saboteurs. He didn't dare (LOL) go into
the John Curtin Hotel at lunchtime because that was where real
socialism was done.

Andre Jute
(1) Pity Little Laurie was too late for Lysenko. The only commo shorter
than Little Laurie was Joe Stalin. There is the basis for a
soviet-style eugenics theory right there!
Andre Jute wrote:

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:
Please excuse my asking, Andre, but how does being born in South Africa
and living in Ireland make you an Australian?


No good deed ever goes unpunished.
What a wanker you are, Jute. You have the temerity to insult and demean
others, but, when someone actually challenges your nutty assertions,
you killfile them. I've had discussions with ruff many times. We've
dissagreed many times, but at least he doesn't scurry away, when
challenged. He stands up like a man and carries on a rational

You are a worm, Jute. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't have the
balls to carry on a reasonable, rational discussion with any of us

Trevor Wilson
in article, Eiron at wrote
on 5/1/06 8:00 PM:

Andre Jute wrote:

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:

Please excuse my asking, Andre, but how does being born in South Africa
and living in Ireland make you an Australian?

Why, he's a transient, of course!
in article, at wrote on 5/1/06 8:04 PM:

What a wanker you are, Jute. You have the temerity to insult and demean
others, but, when someone actually challenges your nutty assertions,
you killfile them. I've had discussions with ruff many times. We've
dissagreed many times, but at least he doesn't scurry away, when
challenged. He stands up like a man and carries on a rational

You are a worm, Jute. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't have the
balls to carry on a reasonable, rational discussion with any of us

Trevor Wilson


Killfiltering has its uses, though. After I added Jute to my list things
have been a lot more R.A.T.ional. Ignorance adds to bliss (except when
someone quotes your friend McCoy in a reply . . . . )

Jon Yaeger wrote:
in article, at wrote on 5/1/06 8:04 PM:

What a wanker you are, Jute. You have the temerity to insult and demean
others, but, when someone actually challenges your nutty assertions,
you killfile them. I've had discussions with ruff many times. We've
dissagreed many times, but at least he doesn't scurry away, when
challenged. He stands up like a man and carries on a rational

You are a worm, Jute. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't have the
balls to carry on a reasonable, rational discussion with any of us

Trevor Wilson


Killfiltering has its uses, though. After I added Jute to my list things
have been a lot more R.A.T.ional. Ignorance adds to bliss (except when
someone quotes your friend McCoy in a reply . . . . )

In Australia we had a simple way of dealing with the likes of Andre
McCoy: set the dogs on them at the front gate. Once at my sheep station
on the Nullabor Plains we had someone like him sneak over the back
fence to steal my ancient Harley Davidson only to lose one of his
testicles to the Cedric, my blue heeler who promptly snacked on it like
the prairie oyster it was.

You know I had missed the initial posts as I'd killfiled Jute/McCoy.
All I can say on the matter is that for Phil to be endorsed by Andre
in such a gushing, fawning manner, is the KISS of death for Phil.

Aus.hi-fi slowly composted thanks to Phil's constant abuse there, until
someone set up a web based moderated forum. Anyone is allowed to post
there so long as they are civil including Phil, but he won't take up the
offer to behave in a Tourette's free manner. Instead he gives a bum
steer to someone out for advice and spews when this is pointed out.
"Andre Jute" <> wrote in message
: Andre Jute wrote to Philip Allison:
: "> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a
more useful
: member
: > of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable
audiophile) than
: > that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is
necessary after
: > they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the
possibility that
: > you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating
the sort of
: > people they are."
: I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who
: for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel,
after I saw
: TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
: (don' and the rest of that
: trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then
complaining that
: he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on
hard enough to
: wipe them. They're bullying scum.
: Andre Jute
: Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies
: (1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark
: ( would have been deported to father
more criminal
: progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

Hi Andre,

I never spoken to you before now, nor will likely to ever
again. I do hope that you and Philthy have a wonderful life
together in married bliss. This is surely a marriage made
in Hell!

BTW Why not get your facts straight *BEFORE* you wade into
any discussion involving your soul mate!

TT "zero tolerance for abusive idiots that go off half
"Andre Jute" <> sucked up to Phil Allison by posting the
following ...

Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
member of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable
audiophile) than that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is
necessary after they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the
possibility that you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating
the sort of people they are."

I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who apologized
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
(don' and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough
to wipe them. They're bullying scum.
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
( would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:
Laurie Dare AKA roughplanet <>. Little
Laurie is a twee shortarse twerp (a textbook case of Duck's Disease
(1)) and a would-be commie wrecker without the balls or the brawn for
street brawling, or the charm to be a limmo lib. His only talent is for
If you would like to meet me in Young & Jackson's anytime Jute, I'll be only
too happy to oblige you. I've been in more fights (I grew up in Brunswick)
both in & out of the ring than you've had hot dinners.
I've made similar offers to Allison on numerous occassions, but like the
gutless coward he is, he has refused 'to go around or two for a pound or
two', each time, preferring to threaten me with Police action if I even
knock on his front door.
I'll bet you are just the same; all piss & wind like a butcher's dog. Put up
or shut up Jute.

When I lived in Melbourne, sometimes you could see Little Laurie Dare
weaseling in the back of dingy pubs down the Port, making penny
payments to the mickey mouse saboteurs. He didn't dare (LOL) go into
the John Curtin Hotel at lunchtime because that was where real
socialism was done.
How would you know ANYTHING about me Jute? You've been listening to that
liar Allison too much. Sure, I'm not tall, only 5'8", but I'm 13 1/2 stone &
played hooker for University Blacks. So if you'd like to mix it with me, be
my guest, you gormless loser.

(1) Pity Little Laurie was too late for Lysenko. The only commo shorter
than Little Laurie was Joe Stalin. There is the basis for a
soviet-style eugenics theory right there!
Then come to my place & write it, if you still can after 5 minutes.
I suspect you're just as big a liar & as full of BS as Allison.
Obviously, from the comments made by others, you're nothing but a fruitloop,
so go back to RAT where your mate hangs out (not literally; you bunch of
dickless losers) and do your guesswork there.

roughplanet wrote:
"Andre Jute" <> sucked up to Phil Allison by posting
the following ...

Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
member of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable
audiophile) than that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the
demonstration is necessary after they danced around publicly
jerking off in glee at the possibility that you might have
suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of people they

I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who
apologized for being Australian. But now I understand how they
feel, after I saw TT ( and Alan
Rutlidge (don' and the rest of that
aus.hi-fi trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then
complaining that he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed
stepped on hard enough >> to wipe them. They're bullying scum.
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
( would have been deported to father more
criminal progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:
Laurie Dare AKA roughplanet <>. Little
Laurie is a twee shortarse twerp (a textbook case of Duck's Disease
(1)) and a would-be commie wrecker without the balls or the brawn for
street brawling, or the charm to be a limmo lib. His only talent is
for abuse.

If you would like to meet me in Young & Jackson's anytime Jute, I'll
be only too happy to oblige you. I've been in more fights (I grew up
in Brunswick) both in & out of the ring than you've had hot dinners.
I've made similar offers to Allison on numerous occassions, but like
the gutless coward he is, he has refused 'to go around or two for a
pound or two', each time, preferring to threaten me with Police
action if I even knock on his front door.
I'll bet you are just the same; all piss & wind like a butcher's dog.
Put up or shut up Jute.

When I lived in Melbourne, sometimes you could see Little Laurie Dare
weaseling in the back of dingy pubs down the Port, making penny
payments to the mickey mouse saboteurs. He didn't dare (LOL) go into
the John Curtin Hotel at lunchtime because that was where real
socialism was done.

How would you know ANYTHING about me Jute? You've been listening to
that liar Allison too much. Sure, I'm not tall, only 5'8", but I'm 13
1/2 stone & played hooker for University Blacks. So if you'd like to
mix it with me, be my guest, you gormless loser.

(1) Pity Little Laurie was too late for Lysenko. The only commo
shorter than Little Laurie was Joe Stalin. There is the basis for a
soviet-style eugenics theory right there!

Then come to my place & write it, if you still can after 5 minutes.
I suspect you're just as big a liar & as full of BS as Allison.
Obviously, from the comments made by others, you're nothing but a
fruitloop, so go back to RAT where your mate hangs out (not
literally; you bunch of dickless losers) and do your guesswork there.

I like it when ya talk tough.
A sorta email gladiator, how scary it must be for those who upset ya :)

Regards ......... Rheilly Phoull
Mr. McCoy is never confused by facts and rises to any occasion where
fantasy is required. Please note in no particular order, Mr. McCoy has
claimed to be:

- a yacht designer
- a racing car designer
- an international spy
- an assassin
- a designer of electronics
- a celebrated writer (as compared to a (vanity) published writer)
- an Australian
- a hypnotist of dogs

all with equal validity and credibility. And this does not even touch
on his many accomplishments while engaged in those professions. So,
none of this should be surprising.

Well, doubtless Allison & McCoy deserve each other, or as my Irish
mother would say (and she *was* the real thing): There is a lid for
every pot.

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
Adding to the list of scum in audio who make me ashamed to be an
Trevor Wilson (
who brags about replacing a client's tubes with transistors without
telling the client. Indeed, Rage Audio dishonestly ensured that the
filaments would light up further to deceive the customer. Anyone who
buys any goods or services from Trevor Wilson at Rage Audio deserves
exactly what they get, which will be immorality, deceit, untruth, goods
not as described, and so on. I also wonder about the trading standards
officers who let this operation of passing off ( a legal term for
deceitfully selling dross as gold) pass them by after the criminal
perpetrator, Wilson, publicly bragged about it. I reckon this little
bastard Wilson should be in jail. I only wish this immoral little man
Wilson had tried to piss on an effective consumer guerilla like Phil
Allison the way he pissed on his poor customer.

The list of immoral, deceitful, bullying scum who make me ashamed to be
an Australian now includes:
Terry Tencer (TT <>)
Alan Rutlidge (don'
Mark Harriss ( (honorary transportee)
Laurie Dare (roughplanet <>)
Trevor Wilson (

Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for kindergarten thugs
I apologize for leaving you off my list of scum in audio in Australia
the first time round. I have now rectified that oversight.

Your claim that I killfiled *you* is a lie. I merely untagged a boring
subthread in which you were repeating yourself whiningly to the effect
that Patrick and I should fight *your* corner for you because *you*
were incapable of fighting it yourself.The rest of your post below
builds on that lie. My response proves you are lying.

If you are now more capable of making a case for j-flops or whatever
your obsession was called, go ahead and we'll read you with interest.
But do stop whining like a sullen teenager when people don't read you
because you are a boor, a bore and a liar, and can't even make a
persausive case for a simple, well-known component to the most
open-minded hobbyists in the universe.

Andre Jute
Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables. wrote:
What a wanker you are, Jute. You have the temerity to insult and demean
others, but, when someone actually challenges your nutty assertions,
you killfile them. I've had discussions with ruff many times. We've
dissagreed many times, but at least he doesn't scurry away, when
challenged. He stands up like a man and carries on a rational

You are a worm, Jute. Nothing more, nothing less. You don't have the
balls to carry on a reasonable, rational discussion with any of us

Trevor Wilson
That's a rather poor opening salvo for Andre Jute,
usually he'd have a name sorted out by now. I suspect
he's working on a much larger piece intended to put
anyone who doesn't appreciate Phil's talents in their
rightful place.

I wonder who wronged him so badly in the past for him
to keep up the same song in so many different keys.

Mark Harriss
(Former Turneroid Tacky Troll)
Eiron wrote:
Andre Jute wrote:

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:

Please excuse my asking, Andre, but how does being born in South Africa
and living in Ireland make you an Australian?


No good deed ever goes unpunished.
An Australian passport makes me an Australian.

Andre Jute
That fat old shortass Laurie Dare -- who ludicrously calls himself
"roughplanet" -- wants to relive his violent commie-pinko-fellow
traveller past by offering to beat me up. That's all commie scum were
ever good for, bringing their mates and their lead bars and breaking
legs. That Twee Laurie Fatso is a commie wrecker is another reason he
makes me ashamed to be an Australian. But it makes it easy to
understand where he learned his immoral bullying.

Andre Jute

roughplanet (a fat old shortass Stalinist sockpuppet) wrote:
"Andre Jute" <> sucked up to Phil Allison by posting the
following ...

Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
member of society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable
audiophile) than that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is
necessary after they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the
possibility that you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating
the sort of people they are."

I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who apologized
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT ( and Alan Rutlidge
(don' and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough
to wipe them. They're bullying scum.
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies

(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
( would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:
Laurie Dare AKA roughplanet <>. Little
Laurie is a twee shortarse twerp (a textbook case of Duck's Disease
(1)) and a would-be commie wrecker without the balls or the brawn for
street brawling, or the charm to be a limmo lib. His only talent is for

If you would like to meet me in Young & Jackson's anytime Jute, I'll be only
too happy to oblige you. I've been in more fights (I grew up in Brunswick)
both in & out of the ring than you've had hot dinners.
I've made similar offers to Allison on numerous occassions, but like the
gutless coward he is, he has refused 'to go around or two for a pound or
two', each time, preferring to threaten me with Police action if I even
knock on his front door.
I'll bet you are just the same; all piss & wind like a butcher's dog. Put up
or shut up Jute.

When I lived in Melbourne, sometimes you could see Little Laurie Dare
weaseling in the back of dingy pubs down the Port, making penny
payments to the mickey mouse saboteurs. He didn't dare (LOL) go into
the John Curtin Hotel at lunchtime because that was where real
socialism was done.

How would you know ANYTHING about me Jute? You've been listening to that
liar Allison too much. Sure, I'm not tall, only 5'8", but I'm 13 1/2 stone &
played hooker for University Blacks. So if you'd like to mix it with me, be
my guest, you gormless loser.

(1) Pity Little Laurie was too late for Lysenko. The only commo shorter
than Little Laurie was Joe Stalin. There is the basis for a
soviet-style eugenics theory right there!

Then come to my place & write it, if you still can after 5 minutes.
I suspect you're just as big a liar & as full of BS as Allison.
Obviously, from the comments made by others, you're nothing but a fruitloop,
so go back to RAT where your mate hangs out (not literally; you bunch of
dickless losers) and do your guesswork there.

An Australian passport makes me an Australian.

Andre Jute
Which can be had with two (2) Cheerios Box Tops and one (1) small
interview where Mr. McCoy would be required to lie, plus a small fee
(AUS$19). Mr. McCoy would likely salvage the box-tops from someone
else's trash, he is a past-master at the Lie and would borrow/steal the

As Australia is still strongly attempting to encourage immigration, it
is not difficult for those with no conscience. And given some of the
rantings from down-under, it seems that they very much get exactly that
all to often.

Similarly, anyone with an native-born parent may obtain an Irish
passport. What with his being the 'Real McCoy', that may be his claim
to Irish nationality as well. I admit to being tempted to get an Irish
passport, but the 'big lie' stopped me. This is not a problem for some,
it seems.

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA
On 2 May 2006 07:50:52 -0700, "Andre Jute" <> wrote:

Eiron wrote:
Andre Jute wrote:

Adding to the list of loudmouthed, limp dick, bullying scum on
audiophile conferences that make me ashamed to be an Australian:

Please excuse my asking, Andre, but how does being born in South Africa
and living in Ireland make you an Australian?


No good deed ever goes unpunished.

An Australian passport makes me an Australian.
No it doesn't, it makes you an australian passport holder.

Andre Jute
Jute wrote:

"Our legislators managed to criminalize fox-hunting and smoking; when
they will get off their collective fat arse and criminalize negative
feedback? It is clearly consumed only by undesirables."

Because, you fucking moron, negative feedback is fundamental to the
operation ALL amplifiers. Every single one. A fact you STILL refuse to

If you want to start a discourse about negative feedback, then you need
to do so with honesty and accuracy, rather than with lies, half truths
and distortions.

Trevor Wilson.

As Australia is still strongly attempting to encourage immigration,

** Where did you get that mad idea ?

Oh ... same place all the others came from.

It needs wiping again.

......... Phil

Welcome to

