Andre Jute
Andre Jute wrote to Philip Allison:
"> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT (TTencerNOSPAM@westnet.com.au) and Alan Rutlidge
(don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au) and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough to
wipe them. They're bullying scum.
Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies
(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
(billy@blartco.co.uk) would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.
"> Congratulations on proving once again that you are a more useful
I used to be tough on the cultural cringers and others who apologizedof society (in addition to being a more knowledgeable audiophile) than
that scum at aus.hi-fi. Not that the demonstration is necessary after
they danced around publicly jerking off in glee at the possibility that
you might have suffered a loss, thereby demonstrating the sort of
people they are."
for being Australian. But now I understand how they feel, after I saw
TT (TTencerNOSPAM@westnet.com.au) and Alan Rutlidge
(don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au) and the rest of that aus.hi-fi
trailer park trash (1) in action, taunting Phil, then complaining that
he abuses them. They should be abused, indeed stepped on hard enough to
wipe them. They're bullying scum.
Andre Jute
Zero tolerance for farmyard bullies
(1) And in more moral times, that British loudmouth Mark Harriss
(billy@blartco.co.uk) would have been deported to father more criminal
progeny like TT and Rutlidge, on sheep of course.