


(1)The number of cycles shown on a scope for a given frequency is
determined by?
*Sweep Frequency
*Volatge Scale
*Ohm's Law

(2)In a triggered scope sweep volume is started by ?
*Sweep frequency
*Trigger Potential
*activated transformer
This is

Please help me and avoid hellish language here
Thaqalain wrote:
This is

Please help me and avoid hellish language here
Google describes s.e.b. as:

Activity: High
Description: Elementary questions about electronics.

Considering your last few posts, others have a strong suspicion you're
just using the group as a way to get answers to homework questions (a
suspicion I share, I'm afraid).

This isn't a moderated group, so users are free to post just about
anything they want. This group gets its share of homework questions,
along with bald offers to sell merchandise, pleas for work, get rich
quick schemes, &c. It also gets a number of good hobbyist questions
and legitimate queries.

I suppose everyone's entitled to go to the well once for a homework
poser. We all had to sweat out the books once, too. But homework
questions are usually meant to reinforce material learned in class, and
stretch and integrate the student's knowledge. There's usually a
context involved, which is always missing here. Even if a question is
answered correctly (which does happen frequently -- there are a number
of intelligent and capable people who spend their time on this
newsgroup, and several of them have already responded to your
questions), unless the respondent is famailiar with the class and the
textbook, there's no real education going on here. And in the case of
homework questions, eventually you just have to read the book.

And if you're an intelligent person who has found himself in a job
which requires this knowledge and you don't have it, the solution is
the same. You really just have to hit the books, man. The herbs, the
spices -- it's in there. You can't get context from s.e.b. unless you
want someone to write you a free textbook on s.e.b. right now. Not a
reasonable request.

The above is probably a good explanation of why most people won't
answer homework questions here, and those who take pity on the OP tend
to be kind of brusque. More than one gets irritating.

Your immediate question indicates either a lack of command of the
language (no real problem, that's OK) or a lack of knowledge of
electronics. This is not the place to get a basic education in
electronics. If that's the problem, I'd seriously recommend getting a
few textbooks and just reading them. Google "basic electronics
textbooks" (with no quotes) on the Google s.e.b. screen, and you'll
find a number of threads in past years describing many texts that are
available to help. If the problem is that you're just not having much
luck communicating well, that's OK. Sorry to make a wrong assumption.
Possibly you know someone who's more familiar with English, and can
give you a hand in phrasing your questions in a more artful manner. I
don't believe anyone who posts in this group reads minds, and they can
only work with what you give them.

For good basic background on the function and usage of scopes (by one
possible interpretation of your question, the answer's a little more
complicated than you'd think), the best net resource by far is "The
XYZs of Oscilloscopes" by Tektronix. You could go to their website and
search to get this page:

They ask you to fill out a bit of a questionaire to access the .pdf
file. It's well worth it. This .pdf file will tell you much of what
you need to know about what oscilloscopes do and what they measure, in
a good format suitable for beginners as well as engineers unfamiliar
with electronics instruments. And this information generally isn't
available in electronics textbooks. At some point, they just kind of
assume you know it.

Luck is usually the residue of hard work. So...

Good luck finding answers
I am sorry for whatever u think about me.Chris,thanks a lot about your
dtail hints.
I believe that if u guide someone,your own knowlege increases,is this
forum can delineate minimum standards for those, who are authorised to
post their knowlege?

Welcome to

