scope preamp...



I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.

I have an old TM500 thing in the dungeon, but I doubt it still works.
I guess I\'ll dust it off and see.
On Sun, 11 Sep 2022 11:11:05 -0400, Joe Gwinn <>

On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 16:23:41 -0700,

On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 19:19:24 -0400, Joe Gwinn <

On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 15:55:47 -0700,

On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 14:49:02 -0700 (PDT), Lasse Langwadt Christensen> wrote:

lørdag den 10. september 2022 kl. 23.34.00 UTC+2 skrev
I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.

I my math adds up the LM2941 is 150uV typical at 5V, the ancient LM7805 is 40uV

I do want low dropout to minimize dissipation. We\'ll probably switch
down to +6.25 maybe and then LDO to make a very quiet +5.

This is important so maybe I\'ll make my own regulator, which would
likely be lower noise than an IC reg.

The classic dodge is a switcher driving a linear regulator, followed
by Phil H\'s favorite capacitance multiplier, with RC filters all

Joe Gwinn

That adds a lot of dissipation.

That\'s the reason to start with a switcher - most of the voltage drop
is there.

But dissipation be damned - we want low noise.

This looks pretty good. It\'s actually not bad without R5+C3, kinda
surprising. Using a quiet 3 volt reference helps a lot.

Interesting, but I won\'t get to this SPICE for a while.

Joe Gwinn

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Version 4
SHEET 1 1524 680
WIRE 16 16 -64 16
WIRE 176 16 16 16
WIRE 368 16 272 16
WIRE 480 16 368 16
WIRE 592 16 480 16
WIRE 672 16 592 16
WIRE 736 16 672 16
WIRE 800 16 736 16
WIRE -64 64 -64 16
WIRE 368 64 368 16
WIRE 480 64 480 16
WIRE 736 64 736 16
WIRE 592 80 592 16
WIRE 224 112 224 80
WIRE 368 160 368 128
WIRE 480 160 480 128
WIRE -64 176 -64 144
WIRE 736 176 736 144
WIRE -32 256 -64 256
WIRE 0 256 -32 256
WIRE 96 256 64 256
WIRE 128 256 96 256
WIRE 368 272 336 272
WIRE 400 272 368 272
WIRE -64 288 -64 256
WIRE 64 288 64 256
WIRE 400 304 400 272
WIRE 592 320 592 160
WIRE 592 320 432 320
WIRE 224 336 224 176
WIRE 368 336 224 336
WIRE 464 352 432 352
WIRE 592 368 592 320
WIRE -64 400 -64 368
WIRE 64 400 64 368
WIRE 400 400 400 368
WIRE 592 480 592 448
FLAG -64 176 0
FLAG -64 400 0
FLAG 368 160 0
FLAG 480 160 0
FLAG 64 400 0
FLAG -32 256 +20
FLAG 96 256 +3
FLAG 672 16 +5
FLAG 464 352 +3
FLAG 592 480 0
FLAG 400 400 0
FLAG 368 272 +20
FLAG 736 176 0
FLAG 16 16 IN
SYMBOL voltage -64 48 R0
WINDOW 0 54 49 Left 2
WINDOW 3 38 87 Left 2
WINDOW 123 45 120 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(7 100m 1K)
SYMBOL voltage -64 272 R0
WINDOW 0 34 82 Left 2
WINDOW 3 35 108 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 20
SYMBOL cap 352 64 R0
WINDOW 0 -46 22 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -57 54 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 500µ
SYMATTR SpiceLine Rser=10m
SYMBOL cap 464 64 R0
WINDOW 0 -52 20 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -56 52 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 20µ
SYMBOL voltage 64 272 R0
WINDOW 0 34 82 Left 2
WINDOW 3 35 108 Left 2
SYMBOL res 608 176 R180
WINDOW 0 60 93 Left 2
WINDOW 3 60 57 Left 2
SYMBOL res 608 464 R180
WINDOW 0 59 53 Left 2
WINDOW 3 58 22 Left 2
SYMBOL current 736 64 R0
WINDOW 0 -45 90 Left 2
WINDOW 3 -233 149 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(10m 250m 10m 10n 10n 5m)
SYMBOL Opamps\\\\UniversalOpamp2 400 336 M0
WINDOW 0 -88 -88 Left 2
SYMATTR Value2 Avol=1Meg GBW=10Meg Slew=20Meg
SYMBOL npn 176 80 R270
WINDOW 0 31 -54 VRight 2
WINDOW 3 1 -105 VRight 2
SYMBOL FerriteBead 224 144 R0
WINDOW 0 -53 31 Left 2
SYMATTR Value 258n
SYMATTR SpiceLine Ipk=0.5 Rser=0.3 Rpar=75 Cpar=250f mfg=\"Würth
Elektronik\" pn=\"74279267 WE-CBF 0603\"
TEXT 688 408 Left 2 !.tran 0 20m 0 20n
TEXT 680 312 Left 2 ;T660 5 VOLT LDO
TEXT 696 360 Left 2 ;JL Sep 11 2022
TEXT 288 144 Left 2 ;+10m
TEXT 424 280 Left 2 ;OPA197
TEXT 672 448 Left 2 !; .ac dec 50 1 1e6
John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.

Noise is ~7.5nV/root(Hz) with a slight hump around 10.5 KHz, then falls off
to 1nV/root(Hz) at 100 KHz.

No need for a fancy NPN. A 2N3055 is fine at these low frequencies.

Are you going to be able to measure noise?

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI
<> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.

Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

Noise is ~7.5nV/root(Hz) with a slight hump around 10.5 KHz, then falls off
to 1nV/root(Hz) at 100 KHz.

No need for a fancy NPN. A 2N3055 is fine at these low frequencies.

I want a surfacemount high-beta NPN. It\'s impressive how many
different fets we have in stock and how few classic bipolar

We do have FZT692 in SOT-223. It looks perfect for this regulator.
Beta is 500 min (!) at 2v and 100 mA. Its Early voltage must be

Are you going to be able to measure noise?

I will, somehow. I\'m especially concerned about low frequency, 1/f,
noise, which will modulate my prop delays. LDOs aren\'t usually
specified for 1/f but opamps are. Putting the voltage ref on the power
chip, apologies to Bob Widlar, isn\'t always the best idea.
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 07:12:23 -0700, John Larkin
<> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.

Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

Noise is ~7.5nV/root(Hz) with a slight hump around 10.5 KHz, then falls off
to 1nV/root(Hz) at 100 KHz.

No need for a fancy NPN. A 2N3055 is fine at these low frequencies.

I want a surfacemount high-beta NPN. It\'s impressive how many
different fets we have in stock and how few classic bipolar

We do have FZT692 in SOT-223. It looks perfect for this regulator.
Beta is 500 min (!) at 2v and 100 mA. Its Early voltage must be

Are you going to be able to measure noise?

I will, somehow. I\'m especially concerned about low frequency, 1/f,
noise, which will modulate my prop delays. LDOs aren\'t usually
specified for 1/f but opamps are. Putting the voltage ref on the power
chip, apologies to Bob Widlar, isn\'t always the best idea.

It\'s interesting that nobody seems to make a voltage reg that accepts
an external reference. Some ADCs and DACs have an internal ref with
external over-ride capability.

One can drive the ADJ pin of a 317 type from an opamp, basically use
it as a power amp.

You can stack LM1117s to get 1.25, 2.5... volt steps, like an FPGA
might want.
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 08:14:47 -0700, John Larkin
<> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 07:12:23 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.

Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

Noise is ~7.5nV/root(Hz) with a slight hump around 10.5 KHz, then falls off
to 1nV/root(Hz) at 100 KHz.

No need for a fancy NPN. A 2N3055 is fine at these low frequencies.

I want a surfacemount high-beta NPN. It\'s impressive how many
different fets we have in stock and how few classic bipolar

We do have FZT692 in SOT-223. It looks perfect for this regulator.
Beta is 500 min (!) at 2v and 100 mA. Its Early voltage must be

Are you going to be able to measure noise?

I will, somehow. I\'m especially concerned about low frequency, 1/f,
noise, which will modulate my prop delays. LDOs aren\'t usually
specified for 1/f but opamps are. Putting the voltage ref on the power
chip, apologies to Bob Widlar, isn\'t always the best idea.

It\'s interesting that nobody seems to make a voltage reg that accepts
an external reference. Some ADCs and DACs have an internal ref with
external over-ride capability.

One can drive the ADJ pin of a 317 type from an opamp, basically use
it as a power amp.

I\'ve seen exactly this done to power LNAs, after a switched that did
the bulk of the voltage dropping.

Joe Gwinn

You can stack LM1117s to get 1.25, 2.5... volt steps, like an FPGA
might want.
mandag den 12. september 2022 kl. 17.15.05 UTC+2 skrev John Larkin:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 07:12:23 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.

Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

Noise is ~7.5nV/root(Hz) with a slight hump around 10.5 KHz, then falls off
to 1nV/root(Hz) at 100 KHz.

No need for a fancy NPN. A 2N3055 is fine at these low frequencies.

I want a surfacemount high-beta NPN. It\'s impressive how many
different fets we have in stock and how few classic bipolar

We do have FZT692 in SOT-223. It looks perfect for this regulator.
Beta is 500 min (!) at 2v and 100 mA. Its Early voltage must be

Are you going to be able to measure noise?

I will, somehow. I\'m especially concerned about low frequency, 1/f,
noise, which will modulate my prop delays. LDOs aren\'t usually
specified for 1/f but opamps are. Putting the voltage ref on the power
chip, apologies to Bob Widlar, isn\'t always the best idea.

It\'s interesting that nobody seems to make a voltage reg that accepts
an external reference.

LM723 ?
On Monday, September 12, 2022 at 7:12:37 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.
Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

I\'d say, rather, that a FET needs more slew rate from the driving op amp
than a bipolar transistor. dV/dt is a limited resource when considering
broad bandwidth types of noise. Miller capacitance in the transistor
will partly compensate the op amp...
Am 11.09.22 um 05:30 schrieb
On Sun, 11 Sep 2022 05:01:34 +0200, Gerhard Hoffmann <

Am 11.09.22 um 00:55 schrieb
On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 14:49:02 -0700 (PDT), Lasse Langwadt Christensen> wrote:

lørdag den 10. september 2022 kl. 23.34.00 UTC+2 skrev
I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.

I my math adds up the LM2941 is 150uV typical at 5V, the ancient LM7805 is 40uV

I do want low dropout to minimize dissipation. We\'ll probably switch
down to +6.25 maybe and then LDO to make a very quiet +5.

This is important so maybe I\'ll make my own regulator, which would
likely be lower noise than an IC reg.

I did not measure the LM2941, but the Lm2940 is about the worst
choice possible.
It would require real work to be better than a LT3042. Its main
drawback is the small load current because of the tiny package.

0 dB is 1nV/rtHz.

In the LT3042 data sheet is a a circuit with an external NPN
to take the heat. It measures about the same as the 3042 alone.
The noise peak climbs to 100 KHz but does not grow in size.

Adding more output C increases peaking. Cset may be increased
at the cost of larger startup time. Cset=100u can make sense and
lowers the 1/f corner to a few Hz. It is not really 1/f but
1/f**2 or 3. More than 100u seems not to help.

Some empty boardlets are left over. 1.5A@5V from a 6.6V raw
source is ok. The transistor costs a diode drop vs. bare 3042.

I think I\'ll make my own LDO with an opamp and an n-fet. By the time I
have a dpak fet and some giant caps, the opamp and a few passives add
not much more board area.

If I use a good 3 volt reference (which I\'ll have) I expect much less
low frequency noise than using the 1.25v bandgap and feedback point of
a regulator.

LT3042 uses a precision current source to develop the output voltage
over a resistor. That is easily filtered.

They even have a proposal of using a post-filtered LT6555
reference with the *1 output stage of the LT3042.

None of that stuff will be on the same die as the big hot pass

Like their external cheap D44H10 NPN

I\'ll prowl the dungeon and see if I have a AM503 amplifier, and see if
it still works, to measure the LDO noise. Or maybe just trust Spice.

You can trust spice, but you cannot trust the models.
Few have 1/f noise, or even correct data.
Many transistor models have been made with the Orcad parts
program. You recognize them since all have the same RBB.

Am 11.09.22 um 05:30 schrieb

I\'ll prowl the dungeon and see if I have a AM503 amplifier, and see if
it still works, to measure the LDO noise. Or maybe just trust Spice.

The current probe amplifier?
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 04:33:57 +0200, Gerhard Hoffmann <>

Am 11.09.22 um 05:30 schrieb

I\'ll prowl the dungeon and see if I have a AM503 amplifier, and see if
it still works, to measure the LDO noise. Or maybe just trust Spice.

The current probe amplifier?

No, sorry, Am502.
John Larkin <> wrote:

No, sorry, Am502.

That is a very nice variable bandwidth amplifier. It would be nice to have a
HP 3400A true RMS voltmeter, 10 Hz to 10 MHz to convert the p-p readings to
true rms. That way, you could get consistent readings to compare with various
datasheets. Or just use a scope if it has true rms conversion.

Mike Monett VE3BTI wrote:
John Larkin <> wrote:

No, sorry, Am502.

That is a very nice variable bandwidth amplifier. It would be nice to have a
HP 3400A true RMS voltmeter, 10 Hz to 10 MHz to convert the p-p readings to
true rms. That way, you could get consistent readings to compare with various
datasheets. Or just use a scope if it has true rms conversion.

One gotcha with those 500-series modules: they look like they should be
hot-pluggable, but emphatically are not. (Ask me how I know.) ;)


Phil Hobbs
Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:08:56 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI
<> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

No, sorry, Am502.

That is a very nice variable bandwidth amplifier. It would be nice to have a
HP 3400A true RMS voltmeter, 10 Hz to 10 MHz to convert the p-p readings to
true rms. That way, you could get consistent readings to compare with various
datasheets. Or just use a scope if it has true rms conversion.

Scopes do variable-bandwidth RMS and FFTs and things, but most max out
at 5 or maybe 2 mV/div.

All that used to be extra-cost but is standard now.

Right now I could do with a gain of 10, which I could build in an
hour, but I might get some fancy preamp for future use.

My kids have a bunch of Python libraries to slurp scope data, and then
run matlab sorts of stuff on it too. We could, say, cross-correlate
something to noise on one supply.

Looks like we\'ll need very quiet supplies: +20, +5, +4, -5, all from a
wall wart that might be 12 or 24. And ugly supplies +7, -7, 3.3,
+3ref, 1.8, 1.35, 1.0. Eleven supply rails in a tiny box jammed with
stuff. It\'s a giant puzzle, either fun or a damned nuisance.

The old product ran from +12, and people occasionally blew them up by
using the wrong wart, so we\'d like the new rev to tolerate at least
24. +24 is our standard wart these days.

One discovery is the LT8603, one boost and three bucks in one chip.
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 8:04:13 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:

Looks like we\'ll need very quiet supplies: +20, +5, +4, -5, all from a
wall wart that might be 12 or 24. And ugly supplies +7, -7, 3.3,
+3ref, 1.8, 1.35, 1.0. Eleven supply rails in a tiny box jammed with
stuff. It\'s a giant puzzle, either fun or a damned nuisance.

The old product ran from +12, and people occasionally blew them up by
using the wrong wart, so we\'d like the new rev to tolerate at least
24. +24 is our standard wart these days.

And 48V is the standard wart for POE, 12V is the standard wart for an
external hard disk, 19.5V is the standard for a laptop... and few
of the connectors are any kind of standard.

If you want quiet, I\'ve seen good performance from medical-grade power
supplies (but not from wallwarts). And point-of-load switchers have
been a pernicious source of pickup hash; you don\'t do low-noise next to
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 18:26:56 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <>

On Monday, September 12, 2022 at 7:12:37 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:11:45 -0000 (UTC), Mike Monett VE3BTI> wrote:

John Larkin <> wrote:

This is better. The mosfet was basically ohmic, but an NPN still acts
like a follower.

No comp on the opamp is weird but seems to work. I\'d better breadboard

Not bad. -189dB to 10 Hz, then rises to about -100 dB.
Much better than the mosfet version. At low drop, a fet is basically a
couple-of-ohms resistor from the unreg input to the output.

I\'d say, rather, that a FET needs more slew rate from the driving op amp
than a bipolar transistor. dV/dt is a limited resource when considering
broad bandwidth types of noise. Miller capacitance in the transistor
will partly compensate the op amp...

The best closed-loop systems are good open-loop at the start.

A 2 volt drop emitter follower is good; a 2 volt drop fet follower is
tirsdag den 13. september 2022 kl. 19.56.02 UTC+2 skrev whit3rd:
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 8:04:13 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:

Looks like we\'ll need very quiet supplies: +20, +5, +4, -5, all from a
wall wart that might be 12 or 24. And ugly supplies +7, -7, 3.3,
+3ref, 1.8, 1.35, 1.0. Eleven supply rails in a tiny box jammed with
stuff. It\'s a giant puzzle, either fun or a damned nuisance.

The old product ran from +12, and people occasionally blew them up by
using the wrong wart, so we\'d like the new rev to tolerate at least
24. +24 is our standard wart these days.
And 48V is the standard wart for POE, 12V is the standard wart for an
external hard disk, 19.5V is the standard for a laptop... and few
of the connectors are any kind of standard.

and USB-C PD is 5-9-12-20V at upto 5A

since EU is mandating that a lot stuff with batteries will be required
to charge from USB-C PD there\'s going to be a lot of that around
On Sat, 10 Sep 2022 14:33:49 -0700,

I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.

I have an old TM500 thing in the dungeon, but I doubt it still works.
I guess I\'ll dust it off and see.

Turns out we had one of these tucked away in the lab.

Measures 5 uV RMS noise into my scope at 1k gain and 1 MHz bandwidth.
Not bad.

There is a little spikey stuff from the USB power wart, about 10 uV.
lørdag den 10. september 2022 kl. 23.34.00 UTC+2 skrev
I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.

I my math adds up the LM2941 is 150uV typical at 5V, the ancient LM7805 is 40uV wrote:

I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a

Looks like this would work:

Any other suggestions?

I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.

Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.

** An L/C or even RC filter after the reg will do the job.
Trim the output to make up for any voltage drop.

..... Phil

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