I want to measure the noise of a voltage regulator, probably an LM2941
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a
Looks like this would work:
Any other suggestions?
I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.
Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.
I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.
I have an old TM500 thing in the dungeon, but I doubt it still works.
I guess I\'ll dust it off and see.
making 5 volts out. So I need a low noise high gain preamp for a
Looks like this would work:
Any other suggestions?
I could make something, but it\'s marginal on time/cost and this looks
pretty cool.
Maybe I can bypass the upper feedback resistor to reduce noise, and
massively bypass the output to ground, if all that is atable.
I want 5 volts at a few hundred mA and wideband noise well below 100
uV RMS. I could make my own regulator if I had to, but LM2941 is easy.
This is going to power a bunch of cmos logic, about 20 ns worth total,
and Vcc noise becomes jitter.
I have an old TM500 thing in the dungeon, but I doubt it still works.
I guess I\'ll dust it off and see.