Scissors Appear On Plot On LT SPICE


Bret Cahill

Does this mean the circuit analysis requires too much computing
power? It would be nice to get accurate phase angles and amplitudes
as with simple circuits.

Bret Cahill
"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
Does this mean the circuit analysis requires too much computing
power? It would be nice to get accurate phase angles and amplitudes
as with simple circuits.
I have seen this if I hit the F5 key when the plot has focus. It is just the
delete mode for the cursor, and I think it will delete plots. Usually I use
it in the schematic editor to delete components and wires, and I use the F6
key for copy. But usually I have been playing with the plot and then go to
change the schematic without changing focus.

Usually when the analysis requires too much computing power it just slows to
a crawl and sometimes pops up an error when it reaches some sort of
singularity. Usually there is some component that has a problem or an
unintentional LC network that goes into uncontrolled resonance.


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