scientists as superstars...

On 6/30/20 8:12 AM, Bill Sloman wrote:
Some cut.
But try to produce a 2N7002 when all you have is a good idea. You need a great deal of expensive infrastructure before you can turn a good idea into something that you can solder onto to your circuit board. Thomas Sowell doesn\'t seem to have been all that specific about how the accumulated knowledge got turned into a higher standard of living. He can be forgiven for being unspecific about it. You and John Larkin should know a bit more about the nut and bolts involved.

We may know more than a caveman, but we also have an advanced industrial society, an electricity network. fresh running water, a chemical supply industry, all of which required the kind of capital investment that John Larkin regards as irrelevant

More cut.

Jame Burke had a show, Connections, that illustrated how odd things
from the past came together to make a modern convenience.
I think he began one show sitting in a car. Someone invented the
wheel, someone else the carburetor, someone else gears, a clutch etc.
He mentions French monks and sheep rearing leading indirectly to
The first episode is here if anyone is interested.

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