mignon sree
Welcome to the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Galactic Homepage
Welcome to the Sci.Electronics.Repair Frequently Asked Question(s) (or
S.E.R FAQ for short) Home Page. This site features Samuel M.
Goldwasser's latest and greatest "Notes on the Troubleshooting and
Repair of..." series of comprehensive repair guides for consumer
electronics equipment and other household devices. There is also a
great deal of other information of interest to the electronics
hobbyist, experimenter, technician, engineer, and possibly even the
dentist and poet. Included are the now quite comprehensive and massive
"Sam's Laser FAQ", many new schematics, and links to over 1,000
technology related sites. In addition, there are a variety of
documents from other sources on electronics troubleshooting, repair,
and other related topics.
If you know of something that is incorrect or missing from this site
or simply have comments, friendly complaints, requests, or additions,
please make use of the absolutely and positively fabulous or see the
Email Page to identify the most appropriate recipient. Thanks!JION
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Galactic Homepage
Welcome to the Sci.Electronics.Repair Frequently Asked Question(s) (or
S.E.R FAQ for short) Home Page. This site features Samuel M.
Goldwasser's latest and greatest "Notes on the Troubleshooting and
Repair of..." series of comprehensive repair guides for consumer
electronics equipment and other household devices. There is also a
great deal of other information of interest to the electronics
hobbyist, experimenter, technician, engineer, and possibly even the
dentist and poet. Included are the now quite comprehensive and massive
"Sam's Laser FAQ", many new schematics, and links to over 1,000
technology related sites. In addition, there are a variety of
documents from other sources on electronics troubleshooting, repair,
and other related topics.
If you know of something that is incorrect or missing from this site
or simply have comments, friendly complaints, requests, or additions,
please make use of the absolutely and positively fabulous or see the
Email Page to identify the most appropriate recipient. Thanks!JION