SCART - 15 pin D-SUB cable



Unfortunately, you can't do that with a simple cable. There's actually
some circuitry that is needed to make that conversion. I needed to do that
once... that's how I know. Converters are available, but you'll find that
they're more expensive than you were probably hoping for in a mere cable!
Here's one:

A similar unit will convert in the opposite direction (VGA -> Composite).

Hope that helps,

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Christian Peter Aaberg wrote:

|I have a problem with a cable that I bought. I have an old monitor 21" HP
|that I want to use as s TV. Therefore I bought a SCART to D-sub cable
|thinking that this would work. I am using a video as a tuner and thought
|that it would work if only I connected the SCART part to the video and the
|sub part to the monitor, but I does not. The monitor is registering that
|something is connected, but screen is totally black, as if turned off.
|Afterwards I started searching the net for a solution to my problem, but did
|not find any diagrams of a cable from dvd/video to monitor. I do not know if
|the cable that I bought is supposed to work from a regular computer to a TV,
|as I specified to the shop where I bought, for which use it was.
|My question is, is it not possible to make a cable for connect to between
|the video and the screen and actually get a signal??
|Hope someone can help me!!

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