Juan Felipe Osorio
There is some way to select ,automaticly, signals in a big circuit to be
I have tried the follow option without success: I've get the signal
information from the netlist using a perl script, next I've added lines like
save(i("/I52/_inst33/B) (This is the bulk current from the transistor
_inst33 in the instance I52). And finaly I've run the oceanScript.ocn using
ocean. However when I try to see this signal using ocean it does not appear
in the signals saved (using outputs()).
Thanks in advance
Juan F. Osorio
High Performance Integrated Circuits Design Group
Universistat Politecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona - Spain
There is some way to select ,automaticly, signals in a big circuit to be
I have tried the follow option without success: I've get the signal
information from the netlist using a perl script, next I've added lines like
save(i("/I52/_inst33/B) (This is the bulk current from the transistor
_inst33 in the instance I52). And finaly I've run the oceanScript.ocn using
ocean. However when I try to see this signal using ocean it does not appear
in the signals saved (using outputs()).
Thanks in advance
Juan F. Osorio
High Performance Integrated Circuits Design Group
Universistat Politecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona - Spain