Sansui QRX5500 receiver protection circuit problem

This is my own receiver. For the past couple of months I've started to notice that the time it was taking for the protection relay to activate was lengthening from around three seconds to a bit longer. Then recently the time has lengthened again only this time it seems exponentially. Yesterday after switching on the receiver I counted 82 seconds before the relay tripped and I got sound out. The sound was fine when I did.

I need to pull this out of the entertainment center to check it over so it will be a few days before I actually get to this but I wanted to run this by the group first for ideas. I'm thinking perhaps dried up cap or changed resistor somewhere but that's just a guess. I know that at least part of what this circuit does is look for DC on the output but I don't really understand exactly how that works and what that circuit is or how it's looking at that so if someone could please explain it to me I would be very grateful. Thanks. Lenny.
On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 4:59:07 PM UTC-4, wrote:
This is my own receiver. For the past couple of months I've started to notice that the time it was taking for the protection relay to activate was lengthening from around three seconds to a bit longer. Then recently the time has lengthened again only this time it seems exponentially. Yesterday after switching on the receiver I counted 82 seconds before the relay tripped and I got sound out. The sound was fine when I did.

I need to pull this out of the entertainment center to check it over so it will be a few days before I actually get to this but I wanted to run this by the group first for ideas. I'm thinking perhaps dried up cap or changed resistor somewhere but that's just a guess. I know that at least part of what this circuit does is look for DC on the output but I don't really understand exactly how that works and what that circuit is or how it's looking at that so if someone could please explain it to me I would be very grateful. Thanks. Lenny.

Thanks Chuck. I'll look for that. Lenny
On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:59:05 -0700 (PDT),

This is my own receiver. For the past couple of months I've started to notice that the time it was taking for the protection relay to activate was lengthening from around three seconds to a bit longer. Then recently the time has lengthened again only this time it seems exponentially. Yesterday after switching on the receiver I counted 82 seconds before the relay tripped and I got sound out. The sound was fine when I did.

I need to pull this out of the entertainment center to check it over so it will be a few days before I actually get to this but I wanted to run this by the group first for ideas. I'm thinking perhaps dried up cap or changed resistor somewhere but that's just a guess. I know that at least part of what this circuit does is look for DC on the output but I don't really understand exactly how that works and what that circuit is or how it's looking at that so if someone could please explain it to me I would be very grateful. Thanks. Lenny.


It is probably that C06 33uf 50 volts has dried up. Hope this helps.

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On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:47:56 -0700 (PDT),

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 4:59:07 PM UTC-4, wrote:
This is my own receiver. For the past couple of months I've started to notice that the time it was taking for the protection relay to activate was lengthening from around three seconds to a bit longer. Then recently the time has lengthened again only this time it seems exponentially. Yesterday after switching on the receiver I counted 82 seconds before the relay tripped and I got sound out. The sound was fine when I did.

I need to pull this out of the entertainment center to check it over so it will be a few days before I actually get to this but I wanted to run this by the group first for ideas. I'm thinking perhaps dried up cap or changed resistor somewhere but that's just a guess. I know that at least part of what this circuit does is look for DC on the output but I don't really understand exactly how that works and what that circuit is or how it's looking at that so if someone could please explain it to me I would be very grateful. Thanks. Lenny.

Thanks Chuck. I'll look for that. Lenny

You are welcome. I noticed you also posted to the Yahoo tv repair
group. As Gervais M also suggested, the cap I mentioned is in the
protection circuit.

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