This is my own receiver. Last year it started taking longer and longer for the protection relay to activate and turn on the speakers I finally took it out of service. I recall that it had no other problems that were evident. I had posted this problem at that time and I think that it was Chuck up in Canada who nailed it immediately. He recommended changing C6 on the protection board and .that resolved the protect relay problem. Now however there is another problem that I never had before. Most of the dial lights including the signal meter light are out and that meter also seems to be inoperative as well. I never had any trouble with any lighting or the signal meter on this receiver. This is a big quadrophonic receiver. The switching is done through the main selector switch and it's a nightmare to get to. A real rats nest. Does anyone who has worked on these recall any common problems with lighting on one of these? I suspect a ground problem because so many of these lamps are in parallel but it's so crowded in that area you can't see anything. I Really appreciate any help. Lenny