Samsung txe2545



I got this set new, first I had half screen problem which I fixed and
it was working for a wile but now,
I get only high pitch click noise when I hit power button, no video no
sound , keeps firing and makes noise every four sec but does not
start. Noise is very short maybe quarter of second.
When u try to shut it off does not respond to power switch at all.

Need help!!! Switch maybe?
Obviously the power button is working since the set tries to turn on after
you push it.

There is likely a failure somewhere in the power supply or deflection or
high voltage flyback circuit. Only proper signal and voltage
troubleshooting will direct the technician in the right direction.


SirOliver <> wrote in message
I got this set new, first I had half screen problem which I fixed and
it was working for a wile but now,
I get only high pitch click noise when I hit power button, no video no
sound , keeps firing and makes noise every four sec but does not
start. Noise is very short maybe quarter of second.
When u try to shut it off does not respond to power switch at all.

Need help!!! Switch maybe?

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