Samsung SMC-2040A

  • Thread starter Müller, Frank-Stefan (MRT
  • Start date

Müller, Frank-Stefan (MRT

In a surplus shop I bought several LCD Modules labeled SMC-2040A with a
Samsung logo, suppose they are 2 row x 20 column alphanumeric displays.
Back at home I googled for the Type number, but nothing showed up.
The modules got a SED1278F Controller with an Epson Logo and four OKI
M8259 driver chips and a 14 pin standard (?) connector.

Looking for a data sheet or other information.


responding to ,
passerby wrote:
mueller wrote:

In a surplus shop I bought several LCD Modules labeled SMC-2040A with a

Samsung logo, suppose they are 2 row x 20 column alphanumeric displays.

Back at home I googled for the Type number, but nothing showed up.
The modules got a SED1278F Controller with an Epson Logo and four OKI

M8259 driver chips and a 14 pin *standard* (?) connector.

Looking for a data sheet or other information.
I don't actually know if they are compatible with the standard Hitachi HD44780
LCD controllers but the first thing I would do with a mystery LCD having a
14-pin interface is to trace the ground to identify the location of the Pin 1
and run some kind of a test program using an Arduino LCD library designed for
HD44780. 9 times out of 10 they are in fact HD44780 compatible. if it works,
you can stop looking for the part-number specific data, just use the standard.
If it does not, then you can keep looking.

But on a second thought, a 10 seconds Google search yielded this from a
Stanford Embedded Systems Design handouts:

"Nearly every pixel-based alphanumeric LCD module made today uses the Hitachi
HD44780 LCD
controller chip, or a derivative such as the Seiko-Epson *SED1278*. This
apparent standardization in character LCDs has become extremely beneficial to
design engineers and hobbyists."

(emphasis mine)

So, there you have it: just use it as a standard Hitachi HD44780 LCD - does
not matter who actually produced it.



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