Samsung PCK520R service mode ?



Hi. I have a Samsung PCK520R projection screen tv. The top of the
screen is slightly bowed downward in the middle, and the bottom is
moreso bowed upward in the middle. I do not know if there is an
electronic problem, or if there is maybe an adjustment that will
square up the picture. If there is an adjustment, is it internal or
can it be accessed via a service mode? It appears that the bowing is
equal on all 3 tubes. Any help highly appreciated.
This is most likely some defective components. As for adjusting the Samsung
TV products, most of them require some dedicated Samsung service tools. You
would have to consult the service manual for details concerning your set.
As for servicing it, you would probably be best off sending the set to the
Samsung service rep for your area.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Gurkle" <> wrote in message
Hi. I have a Samsung PCK520R projection screen tv. The top of the
screen is slightly bowed downward in the middle, and the bottom is
moreso bowed upward in the middle. I do not know if there is an
electronic problem, or if there is maybe an adjustment that will
square up the picture. If there is an adjustment, is it internal or
can it be accessed via a service mode? It appears that the bowing is
equal on all 3 tubes. Any help highly appreciated.
Here is a little bit of advise you can take it any way you like.
Dont adjust anything in the service menu if you aquire info
on how to enter it.Have a technician diagnos the fault which
most probably will result in the STK convergence IC,s and
maybe related Caps and possibly resistors changing.
If you enter the service menu and start to make adjustments
the result down the road would be to demolish those IC,s
then you will be into major set up to the whole convergence section.
If you feel brave call Samsung , they will sell you the service manual
which is not cheap.
Its your call ....


"Watch the return E-Mail addy its false"
"Gurkle" <> wrote in message
Hi. I have a Samsung PCK520R projection screen tv. The top of the
screen is slightly bowed downward in the middle, and the bottom is
moreso bowed upward in the middle. I do not know if there is an
electronic problem, or if there is maybe an adjustment that will
square up the picture. If there is an adjustment, is it internal or
can it be accessed via a service mode? It appears that the bowing is
equal on all 3 tubes. Any help highly appreciated.

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