Samsung LTN325W 32"LCD TV video tearing


Gordon S. Hlavenka

Color is a bit flat, with noticeable shadows to the right of images.
Sometimes clears up on its own after an hour or so. I'm haven't been
inside a TV in quite a while -- certainly not these newfangled LCD
things :) so I'm hoping I can get some pointers before I crack the case.

At the moment my plan is to run it with the back off until the picture
clears up, then go exploring with a can of freeze spray.

Other/better ideas?

Gordon S. Hlavenka O-
"I might have run 'amok' against society; but I preferred that society
should run 'amok' against me, it being the desperate party." - Thoreau
On Aug 20, 4:08 pm, "Gordon S. Hlavenka" <> wrote:
Color is a bit flat, with noticeable shadows to the right of images.
Sometimes clears up on its own after an hour or so.  I'm haven't been
inside a TV in quite a while -- certainly not these newfangled LCD
The data to an LCD display doesn't have intrinsic left-to-right top-to-
time sequencing like the old TV or CRT monitor; I'd look for the input
video source for the problem. Analog (RCA connector video or
VGA) sources might have coupling capacitors for DC restoration,
and those can fail to cause this kind of artifact.

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