Samsung ln40b530p7 audio ok backligth intermtitent



At the time of turn con picture and audio are normal and aprox 15 secs later backligths do not ligth con so no picture. I checked voltages at the psu/inverter and all seems to be ok.ckd the inverter transformer no discrepancias notes and resoldering some suspictious points but the problemas continúes.could be any of the lamps and could you tell me the steps to reach them.

Sorry I don't know about anything internal on these TVs, but
the reason your backlight is going is because it was left at
maximum all its life. I'm probably the first to tell you that
the backlight on a LCD or LED TV should be turned down
to around the midpoint upon unpackaging and plugging it

It may appear relatively dim at first, but over time you'll
grow to appreciate the more accurate picture.
On Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 4:48:01 PM UTC-5, mloo55 wrote:
At the time of turn con picture and audio are normal and aprox 15 secs later backligths do not ligth con so no picture. I checked voltages at the psu/inverter and all seems to be ok.ckd the inverter transformer no discrepancias notes and resoldering some suspictious points but the problemas continúes.could be any of the lamps and could you tell me the steps to reach them.


well,thanks of for the hint. I will change the lamps.

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