I am trying to design a 2 pole butterworth, bessel and chebyshev filter
using sallen key design. I am consulting this website
http://www.science.unitn.it/~bassi/Signal/TInotes/sloa049.pdf for
information, but am having trouble calculating the m and n values. Basically
i am limited to 1 microfarad capacitors so i am implementing A1.3 S-K
simplification (see appendix at bottom of webpage). It says " Design should
start with choosing m and K to set the gain and Q of the circuit, and then
choosing C and calculating R to set fc" but since Q is already given for a
specific 2 pole filter, what does it mean by setting Q of the ciruit. Any
help would be appreciated.
using sallen key design. I am consulting this website
http://www.science.unitn.it/~bassi/Signal/TInotes/sloa049.pdf for
information, but am having trouble calculating the m and n values. Basically
i am limited to 1 microfarad capacitors so i am implementing A1.3 S-K
simplification (see appendix at bottom of webpage). It says " Design should
start with choosing m and K to set the gain and Q of the circuit, and then
choosing C and calculating R to set fc" but since Q is already given for a
specific 2 pole filter, what does it mean by setting Q of the ciruit. Any
help would be appreciated.