Saints Unnamed on 11-28-05

Saints Unnamed say, "Children should be spoken to gently, delivering to
them logic in a simple form. They learn much more about you also, when
you talk like this, and it gives them comfort for them to feel the
kindness you show."

ON NOVEMBER 28,2005 AT 12:40 P.M.

"So Many of Us use this little one to repeat What We Will others to
know. She was chosen by The Father a long, long time ago, so Everything
that passes through her is of Importance, many times of the Soul.

Children are not learning the Importance of thinking about
everything they are about to do. They should be alerted to more
understanding that there is good about some things, and other things
are not beneficial mentally or physically, and they do not give hope
when they are used.

Children should be spoken to gently, delivering to them logic in a
simple form. They learn much more about you also, when you talk like
this, and it gives them comfort for them to feel the kindness you show.

Now, when we pass the stage of childhood and We speak to friends
or acquaintances that perhaps we just meet or met, it is important to
speak honestly and make the words clearly understood. Communication is
a Gift of Divine Love and should be handled in an appropriate manner
and way.

Some writing This might say, 'I know these things.' That is true,
but do you handle them with care? That is why They were repeated today.

The Gift of speech, of knowledge, is very important. It can either
draw people together in friendship, or separate them in a lack of
understanding in how one or the other thinks.

You might say, 'Why would a Saint talk like this?' Well, in giving
the Gift of life, there are many facets to it that can give you the
Grace, the understanding, and the willingness to be companionable in
all you meet, whether you know of them or you know them, and also,
sometimes their age is important in how you speak.

Many might ask, 'Why would a Conversation like This come on this
day to those of us who can talk? We learned that a long time ago, and
we have been educated to perhaps a great degree.' I smile at this,
because in the human manner of living, sometimes it is good to
remember, to renew, and not resist change or an additional manner of
doing things.

These Words are Important, because These Words today are to show
Divine Love for you in wanting what you think, say and do, to be
important in every way you act, you think, you practice, you associate
with others like yourself, because, do not forget, to be a human being
is very, very important. It stands for so many things, and it stands in
a manner and way that says that you believe in The Creator, and you
believe in Saints, and the respect you show, shows what you think.
Remember this."

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
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