Saint Alphonsus Liguori 1-2-92

St. Alphonsus Liguori says,
"Each Word that is spoken openly to mankind is
The Father's Will, so that It will be a guide to not just
proper human living, but followed to obtain purity in
living so that the Souls will return to Him immediately
when a particular time arrives. No human being could
humanly stand the Power We use to speak unless the
whole being had been prepared for this union."

ON JANUARY 2,1992 AT 3:19 P.M.


"All of Heaven joins together in Great Love
for this Precious Miracle that has been given to the world
for the benefit of Souls. A few times in the history
of mankind there have been similar Miracles as This

When man thinks of a Miracle he supports these
thoughts with human interpretation of how he terms a
Miracle to be. He does not always see or understand
the Full Magnitude of such a Miracle as This One.
Theologians could be baffled by the simplicity of this

I speak to you today in a love and with a love
beyond human understanding of love. Love, to man,
is a warmth between two or more people. It is a
relationship of togetherness, of understanding, and of
course, human behavior. I am Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

The world must see what has been given because
the world is in a tragic state, and there is so much
idolatry and immorality that is acceptable by millions
of people throughout the world.

Mankind is determined to modernize What God Is
All About. Mankind is determined to translate the Rules,
the Lessons that have previously been given at other

This Title, The Miracle Of Saint Joseph, is to
resound throughout the world in print, to be recognized
in Its Full Content, by men of all races, all colors, all

I speak slowly through an instrument of The
Father's, whose fragile physical form has been forced
to endure so continuously Our Power, to receive all the
Words The Father wanted mankind to hear, to read, to
memorize, to remember, to follow and to use in the
correct manner, for the benefit of his or her own Soul.

Each Word that is spoken openly to mankind is
The Father's Will, so that It will be a guide to not just
proper human living, but followed to obtain purity in
living so that the Souls will return to Him immediately
when a particular time arrives. No human being could
humanly stand the Power We use to speak unless the
whole being had been prepared for this union.

I, Saint Alphonsus Liguori, bless you all in a
manner you will understand: In Nomine Patris et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti, Amen."

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
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