John Douglas
I had thought lead-free solder was considered safe.
I was prepared to let a 12 year old begin soldering (under supervision)
until I saw a warning on the back of the package stating that 'this
product contains a known carinogen to the state of Calif' (not exact
quote). Its standard stock lead-free solder from Radio Shack having
96% tin, 4% silver. (Where's the carcinogen in that?)
I am reluctant to let a child use this solder.
Does a safe solder exist?
I was prepared to let a 12 year old begin soldering (under supervision)
until I saw a warning on the back of the package stating that 'this
product contains a known carinogen to the state of Calif' (not exact
quote). Its standard stock lead-free solder from Radio Shack having
96% tin, 4% silver. (Where's the carcinogen in that?)
I am reluctant to let a child use this solder.
Does a safe solder exist?