Pooh Bear
Phil Allison wrote:
assures that. In the same way that a copper slug in a TO-3 can helps power
rating too.
the higher dissipation rated TO-3 is significantly less than the TO-3P. At least
it was when I last looked.
Kinda blows a colleauge's theory that " *everyone* want plastic 'cos it's
cheaper " out of the water !
I've a ( mosfet ) design ( from 1990 ) that measures 0.0008% THD+N @ 1 kHz @
600W / 4 ohms ( AP residual is 0.0007% ! ). And yes the decimal point's in the
right place - i.e. -102dB SINAD - better if you discount the test set residual.
I've seen of his is basically 'old hat' dressed up so he can look important.
Incidentally we both interviewed ( amongst others ) for a position as Graham
Blyth's 'sidekick' at Soundcraft many years ago ( I didn't know the other guy
was Doug until someone told me yrs later ). He got the position by blagging that
he *knew* microprocessors so I've been told. I took my time a little more before
adopting them for practical designs.
I was hoping you might elaborate. And you did - cheers."Pooh Bear"
Phil Allison wrote:
To repeat though. Have you taken the lid off a real MOSPEC MJ to compare
die size. ? Would be interested to know the result and any general
you might have about MOSPEC parts.
** Try reading what I posted already:
" They seem however to be using older die designs than the current MJ
and doing the mounting in the package a bit less well. "
Now - how do you reckon I know that ??
I did get that bit.
** But like most things - it did not sink in ??
It certainly plays a part ( in power rating ) though. Simple thermal resistanceI'm surprised that the die design has significantly changed
on a mature device like that though.
** Yawn - shows how far out of touch you are.
Can I assume you're happy with die size then ?
** Same size and design as all MJ15003/4s sold up till the late 1990s.
If anything, it seems that semi makers are keen to reduce die size.
** Die size is not a reliable guide to power rating or overall quality.
assures that. In the same way that a copper slug in a TO-3 can helps power
rating too.
Interesting. Do you have the dims ?I have a collection of 2N3055s where the variation in area spans a range of
5:1. The smallest is the Motorola one - known to be a good example of the
Yes - that issue caught my eye. More interestingly On's 'indicative pricing' forI've heard apochryphally that the die in a
2SC5200 is smaller than the 2SC3281 for example despite the outwardly
** Quite possible - IME.
There was a big change in the MJ15024/25 chips a few years back -
Motorola initially used the new number, MJ21193/4 for the revised design.
Then, as they often do, reverted back to the familiar number. You can buy
both numbers now - exactly the same insides however. MJ21193/4s will cost
you more though.
The MJ21193/4 chip are identical to the ones inside the plastic
JL21193/4s - plastic packs cannot normally use chips designed for TO3
packs - that is how the new design came about. Now, one size fits all
the higher dissipation rated TO-3 is significantly less than the TO-3P. At least
it was when I last looked.
Kinda blows a colleauge's theory that " *everyone* want plastic 'cos it's
cheaper " out of the water !
Had similar issues with RCA devices in 1980.Over the last 20 years, Motorola has sold the MJ15003 device badged as a
2N3773, MJ 802 and others. Similarly the MJ15003 has be badged as an MJ4502
and several others - with a price hike attached !!
Seems Motorola figure that any device that equals or exceeds the basic
specs of another can be sold as that other !! Plays havoc with trying to
match up new and old devices in parallel sets - "your problem" says
All interesting stuff. Thanks for that Phil.Genuine MJ802/4502 pairs will give lower THD figures in amps than the later
MJ15003/4s - or if the rebadged ones are fitted. Lots of traps for the
How vanishing btw ? I admit I haven't seen it.BTW
If you follow EW magazine, you will be aware of Doug Self's " blameless "
amplifier design that nobody who has tried can duplicate the same
vanishingly low THD figures.
I've a ( mosfet ) design ( from 1990 ) that measures 0.0008% THD+N @ 1 kHz @
600W / 4 ohms ( AP residual is 0.0007% ! ). And yes the decimal point's in the
right place - i.e. -102dB SINAD - better if you discount the test set residual.
I've heard that Doug has a high opinion of himself too.... Most of the stuffIn the fine print of the article, Doug says he used devices from his
private stash of old (and therefore genuine) MJ802/4502s in the prototypes.
I've seen of his is basically 'old hat' dressed up so he can look important.
Incidentally we both interviewed ( amongst others ) for a position as Graham
Blyth's 'sidekick' at Soundcraft many years ago ( I didn't know the other guy
was Doug until someone told me yrs later ). He got the position by blagging that
he *knew* microprocessors so I've been told. I took my time a little more before
adopting them for practical designs.