Sylvia Else
"A 23-year-old man has become the first casualty of Cyclone Yasi after
he suffocated from using a generator inside a closed room as the storm
cut power supplies, Premier Anna Bligh said."
"The coroner wanted me to make people understand that if you are using a
generator for power, doing it in a closed room without any ventilation
means you are at risk from asphyxiation from diesel fumes."
Diesel fumes? Must be a big generator.
he suffocated from using a generator inside a closed room as the storm
cut power supplies, Premier Anna Bligh said."
"The coroner wanted me to make people understand that if you are using a
generator for power, doing it in a closed room without any ventilation
means you are at risk from asphyxiation from diesel fumes."
Diesel fumes? Must be a big generator.