For an audio amp that may have catastrophic oscillation problems. If you
combined TIP3055 and TIP41C (say) , with biasing Rs of 40/ 8K scaled for
particular use, plus a power diode, would that give you a functional power
darlington. And more so in this case TIP2955 and TIP42C to stand in , for
initial proving purposes so heatsinking not a great problem, for an
expensive pnp power darlinton.
combined TIP3055 and TIP41C (say) , with biasing Rs of 40/ 8K scaled for
particular use, plus a power diode, would that give you a functional power
darlington. And more so in this case TIP2955 and TIP42C to stand in , for
initial proving purposes so heatsinking not a great problem, for an
expensive pnp power darlinton.