Running the CIW version of ocean via ipcSkillProcess


Svenn Are Bjerkem


I would very much like to use the design( library cell view ) way of
setting current design in OCEAN. This is not possible if I start ocean
from the command line. I have looked into some manuals to see how I can
run the (load "./cdb/mylib/ocean/text.txt") without locking the parent
process. It seems that I have to write a small program that runs in the
background and reads the file and then via a pipe feed each command of
the OCEAN script into the parent process.

Is it this complicated or is it another way around?

on a related question, is it possible to start a process with ipc
without killing it when you quit icfb/icms etc.

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

I would very much like to use the design( library cell view ) way of
setting current design in OCEAN. This is not possible if I start ocean
from the command line. I have looked into some manuals to see how I can
run the (load "./cdb/mylib/ocean/text.txt") without locking the parent
process. It seems that I have to write a small program that runs in the
background and reads the file and then via a pipe feed each command of
the OCEAN script into the parent process.

Is it this complicated or is it another way around?
Erik Wanta wrote:
If you are using LSF you should be able to submit the OCEAN job
distributed without locked up icfb.
I experimented a bit with distributed jobs but so far they are all run
on the mother process

(hostMode 'distributed)

alone does not seem to solve my problem.

I also experimented a bit with ipcSkillProcess and discovered that I
have to implement some kind of handshake between the command line
program feeding DFII with SKILL and CIW because CIW executes a new SKILL
command every cycle independent on the status of the previous SKILL
command. (I extended the example program in the manual to read a file
containing OCEAN commands from disk and feed them to CIW)

I am treading the water a bit on this and I tried the Lisp and back
again solution from Chris Nelson just to find out that it needs a bit of
debugging before it works. Would have been nice to feed DFII with
commands from TCL as I could make a user interface more quickly in a
language that I know....

Well, nothing like manual labor ...
If you are using LSF you should be able to submit the OCEAN job
distributed without locked up icfb.

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