so the cheapo fan in ATX supply is about shot ...looking at 120mm fans
on Ebay trying to find a bargain.
found some nice ballbearing fans rated at 48vdc. had a note about
24vdc starting volts and i was wondring if they would turn slow and
quiet at 12vdc.
the seller said he never tried so i dug out some 12v 40mm ballbearing
fans i have..good ones Sanyo denki or something like that. i put 3.5
on them and they semd to like it , turning slow and quiet.
can i expect the same from the larger 120s anyone know?
i tried the same with a 120mm i have but did not work at 3v tho the
fan was rated for 12vdc.
my question is does anyone have a 48vdc fan they run at 12vdc? or
just wont work?
on Ebay trying to find a bargain.
found some nice ballbearing fans rated at 48vdc. had a note about
24vdc starting volts and i was wondring if they would turn slow and
quiet at 12vdc.
the seller said he never tried so i dug out some 12v 40mm ballbearing
fans i have..good ones Sanyo denki or something like that. i put 3.5
on them and they semd to like it , turning slow and quiet.
can i expect the same from the larger 120s anyone know?
i tried the same with a 120mm i have but did not work at 3v tho the
fan was rated for 12vdc.
my question is does anyone have a 48vdc fan they run at 12vdc? or
just wont work?