Running 120V/60 devices on 220V/50


Nick Zentena

I posted this to sci.electronics but I get the impression that
wasn't the best idea so I'm reposting it here.


This is how I understand things.

North American power is 120V 60 cycles. European is 220V 50
cycles. The voltage can be dealt with easily with a step down transformer
but the cycles can cause problems.

Check the back of the device. I'll see something like

1) 120V/60 this may work it may not. It's a risk.

2) 120V/50-60 this should work just fine with a step down transformer

3) something like 110-240v 50-60 This should work just fine. I may need to
flip a switch or you may need a new cord.

One thing 60 cycles is used for is timing clocks. Older clocks will not keep
time with 50 cycles.

North American 220V is also different then European 220V. Phase
different? So North American 220V devices can't use European 220V power.

Is that basically right?

Nick Zentena <> wrote:

North American 220V is also different then European 220V. Phase
different? So North American 220V devices can't use European 220V

Is that basically right?
No. Look at this article:

"Note that currently all new American buildings get in fact 230 volts
split in two 115 between neutral and hot wire. Major appliances, such as
ovens, are now connected to 230 volts. Americans who have European
equipment, can connect it to these outlets."

US equipment which use 230 Volt can often be used in Europe too.
But the frequency is a problem which has to be considered.
And the plug has to be replaced by a local electrician.

There is no phase problem.

By the way, the plural forms of units are only used in USA. The rest of
the world sees units such as Volt, Watt, as dimensions, not as things
which be singular or plural.

2 Watt, 3.2 Volt, 5 meter, 12 kilogram (kg), 400 liter, etc..

A few units are very often used in daily life and have plural-s, in spite
of this rule. 25 seconds, 3 days, etc..

Roger J.
"Nick Zentena" <> wrote in message
I posted this to sci.electronics but I get the impression that
wasn't the best idea so I'm reposting it here.


This is how I understand things.

North American power is 120V 60 cycles. European is 220V 50
cycles. The voltage can be dealt with easily with a step down transformer
but the cycles can cause problems.

Check the back of the device. I'll see something like

1) 120V/60 this may work it may not. It's a risk.

2) 120V/50-60 this should work just fine with a step down transformer

3) something like 110-240v 50-60 This should work just fine. I may need
flip a switch or you may need a new cord.

One thing 60 cycles is used for is timing clocks. Older clocks will not
time with 50 cycles.

North American 220V is also different then European 220V. Phase
different? So North American 220V devices can't use European 220V power.

Is that basically right?


1) AIUI the nominal voltages are 115 in North America and 230 volts in UK
and Europe.
2) Many items will work as well on 50 hertz/cycle as on 60. However some
since the frequency is 83% of 60 cycles some transformer circuits may run
3) Yes; some computers, for example have a little switch to change the input
voltage. Some small devices, for example some shavers AIUI will adjust
automatically to either 115 volts or 230 volts.
4) You are right 60 cycle clocks, even through a step down transformer, will
run slower on 50 cycles also many/most record players.
5) North american 230 volts IS different. The term 'phase' is often misused
in this context. Especially for domestic residence electrical services it is
almost always inaccurate.
5a) The best way to demonstrate this is to draw a square box to represent
the electric company distribution transformer that steps down the high
tension to service your house. Draw three lines representing the wires into
a house; mark the top wire Red, Middle White, Bottom Black.
The middle (white) wire is zero volts or neutral, it is grounded once only,
at the main circuit breaker/fuse panel where it enters the residence. The
Red wire can be thought of as live at 'positive' 115 volts. The Black wire
as live at 'negative' 115 volts. Inside the house your individual 115 volts
circuits are connected between neutral (zero volts) and either of the 115
volt 'legs' or sides. Consequently they provide you with 115 volts for
duplex receptacles, lights etc. Hopefully the 115 volt devices are fairly
evenly distributed or balanced between the two 'side' or 'legs'. Single
fuses or single pole circuit breakers are used.
There are also some heavier appliances in many homes, such as an electric
oven, electric hot water heater, clothes dryer and electric baseboard or
other heating that are connected across the two outside 115 volt 'legs' to
provide 115 + 115 =230 volts. These are normally not different 'phases' but
are two wires 230 volts apart on the same single phase. the 230 volt
circuits use double fuses or double pole circuit breakers.
All outlets and appliances whether they are 115 or 230 must also be grounded
back to the main panel for safety.
5b) In the United Kingdom by contrast there are basically only two wires
that come into the house. One is the neutral or zero volts wire (leg)
grounded/earthed once at the main fuse panel/consumer unit. The other wire
is live at 230 volts. Everything therefore works at 230 volts.
5c) There are advantages to both systems.
5d) While European and many other countries also use 230 volts at 50 hertz,
or are standardizing towards that, their systems are not necessarily the
same. Some may have both 230 volt wires live; with neither a true neutral.
And in some instances these two wires may TRULY be two phase wires of a
multi phase system 230 volt system.
Hope this helps.

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