Rumsfeld's War



Cleveland News-Herald David S. Glasier

"...'Rumsfeld's War' has nothing to do with media bias or political
ideology and everything to do with getting the truth out there. ...

This documentary does its best work in squaring the pronouncements made
by Rumsfeld before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and the inescapable
truth of everything that's happened since."
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 05:06:38 GMT, xray <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote:

This documentary does its best work in squaring the pronouncements made
by Rumsfeld before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and the inescapable
truth of everything that's happened since."
Oh, my. Thanks for the link. I learned some good things about Rumsfeld I
hadn't expected from him. So it's helped round out my perspective a little.

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 06:48:02 GMT, Jonathan Kirwan <>

So it's helped round out my perspective a little.
Of course, I now can also fully blame him for Cheney!

Jonathan Kirwan wrote...
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 05:06:38 GMT, xray <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote:

This documentary does its best work in squaring the pronouncements made
by Rumsfeld before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and the inescapable
truth of everything that's happened since."

Oh, my. Thanks for the link. I learned some good things about Rumsfeld I
hadn't expected from him. So it's helped round out my perspective a little.
And Paul Wolfowitz, there's a mind-numbing character. Whew! Along
with Rumsfeld he completely miscalculated and refused to listen to
the military and State dept professionals, who had it exactly right
from the start. What a god-damn awful bloody shame.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Winfield Hill wrote...
And Paul Wolfowitz, there's a mind-numbing character. Whew! Along
with Rumsfeld he completely miscalculated and refused to listen to
the military and State dept professionals, who had it exactly right
from the start. What a god-damn awful bloody shame.
Here's a cool site, The Paul Wolfowitz Unofficial Official Simulator.

So I asked this question, "Why did you ignore the state department
professionals before going into Iraq?" and got this answer:

"Just to frame this clearly, the risks of inaction are the continuing and
growing danger that tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of
Americans will die in some catastrophic attack with a biological weapon,
or if we wait long enough, a nuclear weapon.1 Secretary Powell is a great
secretary of state.2 We face a whole range of threats.3 Fortunately I can
say it's the State Department that really has the challenge here, and we're
in a supporting role. 3

"There are problems here and there.3 With respect to Iraq, there's no new
doctrine whatsoever. This is eleven years of old, and unfortunately, failed
policy.1 It is very important to keep talking about the other side of human
beings and it was a vivid demonstration of what Colin Powell, what he's up
against. 4

"But if I can just add, I think, again, to -- at the risk of beating my
paradigm horse to death, it is a paradigm shift to say that's not enough
to do it; we also have got to do what we're saying is capabilities-based
analysis of those things you want to have 10 years from now, which really
can't be calibrated against a precise threat. 5 "



- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)

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