Graeme Zimmer

Have just heard the following direct from Leo Simpson........

"The entire archive of RTV&H is now available on DVD ROM for $69 including
postage. There will be a short review of it in the coming June issue of

Regards ............... Zim ............ VK3GJZ

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
"Graeme Zimmer"
Have just heard the following direct from Leo Simpson........

"The entire archive of RTV&H is now available on DVD ROM for $69 including
postage. There will be a short review of it in the coming June issue of

Regards ............... Zim ............ VK3GJZ

** Err - is that RTV&H only or does it include EA ?

The name changed to EA in 1965 when Jim Rowe became editor.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison"

** Err - is that RTV&H only or does it include EA ?

The name changed to EA in 1965 when Jim Rowe became editor.

** The 1965 date was taken from the SC web site -

but I know for sure it is wrong.

Seeing as I built the RTV&H, May 1966, 2MHz, 3 inch CRO.

It must have been a year or two later.

Anyone got the exact date the name changed ??

........ Phil
"Graeme Zimmer"
Electronics Australia
started April 1965

** Hmmm,

maybe that neat little all valve 3" CRO sitting on the shelf in my workshop
was described in the May 1966 issue of Electronics Australia.

....... Phil
"Graeme Zimmer" <gzimmer@wideband.net.au> wrote in message

Hi Zim, did you get that Altronics 1200watt inverter going. I see you bought
a 1500watt Sinewave inverter. I guess both Altronics units are now sitting
idle in the shed.
Best Regards.
"Graeme Zimmer"
Here's that page .....

** Heaps of nostalgia for Boomers there !!

The first enry for EA was Sept 65, then a gap 'till Aug 67.
Pity about that.

** Yes, the 3" CRO was shown on the cover of the May '66 issue.

I do remember the 3'' CRO, Phil.
A mate built one and asked me to fix it when he ran into some probs.

** Only one 6BL8 in the horizontal TB / amp had a sudden demise since I
built mine in 1970.

........ Phil
"Graeme Zimmer"

shows an April 65 EA
** And on the cover it says:

" Incorporating RADIO, TELEVISION & HOBBIES ".

Also, I'm sure that 3" CRO was advertised by kit suppliers as being from
RTV&H, May 1966.

......... Phil
Anyone got the exact date the name changed ??
Some dates I found on the Web...

Wireless Weekly
started August 4, 1922, on a weekly basis

Radio and hobbies
Vol. 1, no. 1 Apr. 1939

Radio, Television and Hobbies.
Vol.16, no.11 Feb 1955

Electronics Australia
started April 1965

Electronics Australia Today
April 2001 to July 2001 ?

......................... Zim

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
This page


suggests that RTV&H started Jan 1956

and EA started in Jan 1966

Someone has a Web page with a huge collection of RTV&H cover page photos.
I'll try to find it.........

.......................... Zim

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
Here's that page .....

The first enry for EA was Sept 65, then a gap 'till Aug 67.
Pity about that.

I do remember the 3'' CRO, Phil.
A mate built one and asked me to fix it when he ran into some probs.

Hi Zim, did you get that Altronics 1200watt inverter going.
Not yet. Have been snowed under. I haven't forgotten to let you know

Later ................................... Zim

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***

shows an April 65 EA

................. Zim

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
Hi Folks,

Just to let you know that my RTV&H DVD arrived today.

First impressions ? It's brilliant !!!

The DVD covers from April 1939 to March 1965.
Is in PDF format (rather than some weird proprietary format, like so many
The resolution varies from high definition colour (covers, photographs, etc)
through to lower definition B&W for less important stuff (adverts, etc).
There is 4.4 Gb material on the DVD.

It even has the Index page of each mag done separately in high definition,
so you can print out a (thick) index.

There has been a huge amount of work gone into it. I would recommend it

It was produced by:

John Wright
Australian DX Publishing
29 Milford Rd
NSW 2210

You can buy it from Silicon Chip for $69 inc postage.

(I have no connection with S.C. or the publisher, etc, etc)

regards ....................... Zim ........................... VK3GJZ

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
"Graeme Zimmer" <gzimmer@wideband.net.au> wrote in message
Hi Folks,

Just to let you know that my RTV&H DVD arrived today.

First impressions ? It's brilliant !!!
**Cool. Now what will I do with all my 1930s and 1940s Radio and Hobbies

Seriously, though, see if you can find the issue where in the news section
they report on the development of the 'Transfer-Resistor'. I have the
original somehwere. It is a real hoot. They didn't forsee a great future for
the new device, except in the area of portable radios and the like.

Trevor Wilson

*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
Graeme Zimmer wrote:
Hi Folks,

Just to let you know that my RTV&H DVD arrived today.

First impressions ? It's brilliant !!!

The DVD covers from April 1939 to March 1965.
Is in PDF format (rather than some weird proprietary format, like so many
The resolution varies from high definition colour (covers, photographs, etc)
through to lower definition B&W for less important stuff (adverts, etc).
There is 4.4 Gb material on the DVD.

It even has the Index page of each mag done separately in high definition,
so you can print out a (thick) index.

There has been a huge amount of work gone into it. I would recommend it

It was produced by:

John Wright
Australian DX Publishing
29 Milford Rd
NSW 2210

You can buy it from Silicon Chip for $69 inc postage.

(I have no connection with S.C. or the publisher, etc, etc)

regards ....................... Zim ........................... VK3GJZ
Thumbs up to SC
Can we assume an EA DVD is not too far away then?

Dave :)
Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Graeme Zimmer" <gzimmer@wideband.net.au> wrote in message
Hi Folks,

Just to let you know that my RTV&H DVD arrived today.

First impressions ? It's brilliant !!!

**Cool. Now what will I do with all my 1930s and 1940s Radio and Hobbies

Seriously, though, see if you can find the issue where in the news section
they report on the development of the 'Transfer-Resistor'. I have the
original somehwere. It is a real hoot. They didn't forsee a great future for
the new device, except in the area of portable radios and the like.
and they were right, the Transfer-Resistor, a.k.a. Transistor, did not
last long, to be replaced by F.E.T.'s (yes, I know the T is for
transistor, but they operate on different basis) and I.C.'s.


Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
responding to http://www.electrondepot.com/australian/rtv-h-dvd-25103-.htm ,
Paul Carson wrote:

Radio Television and Hobbies (Feb 1955 to Mar 1965)

Electronics Australia (Apr 1965 to May 1990)

Electronics Australia with ETI (Jun 1990 to Apr 1995)

back to Electronics Australia (May 1995 to Mar 2000)

EA (Apr 2000 to Dec 2000 / Jan 2001, Vol. 62 No. 12)

and finally the short-lived EAT - Electronics Australia Today (Apr 2001, Vol.
63 No. 4 to Sep / Oct 2001, Vol. 63 No. 8) consisting of only 5 issues,
before ceasing publication. Volume 63 Numbers 1 to 3 were never produced
during the change over from EA to EAT.

Source: http://home.mira.net/~gnb/elec/auselecmags.html


philallison wrote:

"Phil Allison"

** Err - is that RTV&H only or does it include EA ?

The name changed to EA in 1965 when Jim Rowe became editor.

** The 1965 date was taken from the SC web site -

but I know for sure it is wrong.

Seeing as I built the RTV&H, May 1966, 2MHz, 3 inch CRO.

It must have been a year or two later.

Anyone got the exact date the name changed ??

....... Phil

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